Podcast Episodes
Alberta | Atlantic Canada | British-Columbia | Indigenous | Manitoba | Ontario | Québec | Saskatchewan
Solve and Validate Solutions Through Low-Resource Methods Before Building a Product
Matt Panousis, is the Co-Founder & COO at MARZ which stands for Monsters Aliens Robots Zombies. MARZ is an...
The best thing about being an entreprenuer is the freedom to create and solve problems
Max Braden, is the Founder and President of CPOS, from Ottawa, Ontario. CPOS is a technology company that powers...
Your business can get a $2,400 grant
Ilya Goldman, has been in the internet marketing industry since 1996. He started his own web design and online...
Success is not final…and failure is not fatal
Tamara Martin believes “Success is not final…and failure is not fatal”. It’s the courage to continue that count. She...
Owner Organization: Self Reconnection Therapeutics
Naomi Kunert, Founder of the Self Reconnection Method, is an accomplished and renowned transpersonal therapist and spiritual guide with...
Devenir le seul joueur majeur dans le terreautage et l’ensemencement dans la province de Québec
Entrepreneur depuis plus de 18 ans, Philippe Goulet est visionnaire et polyvalent. Soucieux du travail bien fait et des...
Les conseils du coach et mentor Michel Nadeau
Michel Nadeau a accompagné dans ma carrière plus de 300 dirigeants dans leur développement sur des thèmes tels que...
Pour l’amour des sols et la culture régénératrice, découvrez cet artiste désigner de la biodiversité
Depuis 2007, Sébastien Angers pratique l’agriculture de conservation biologique sur sa ferme à Ste-Monique de Nicolet . Il est...
A passion for giving back to the community
Craig Senyk is Board Chair at Mawer Investment Management. His true passion is social investment. He is passionate about...
Helping people on their journey to wellness
Magdalena Czyz is a certified health coach and public speaker. She specializes in effortless weight loss, overcoming burnout, and...
Delivering music right to your door
Amanda Burgener is the co-founder of Curbside Concerts, a Calgary-based company that delivers live music right to your door,...
How One Entrepreneur Has Been Supporting the Canadian Food Industry
Ted Grant was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the son of a “gourmet cook.” Educated at Dalhousie...
Michael DeVenney, President of WorkInsights Talks About His Experience with PTSD and Mental Health
Michael DeVenney, President of Halifax-based WorkInsights, began researching entrepreneurial mental health after his own depression and anxiety forced him to...
Entrepreneur Coming from Nigeria Highlights the Power of Passion and Commitment
Adeyinka Adedoja is the founder of WeivSync, based in Toronto, Canada. Her passion to create WeivSync is rooted in...