
How We Gather Matters: The New Formula for Purpose-Driven Events to Create More Impact and Less Waste

Leor Rotchild is an author, speaker, and consultant with 20 years of sustainable business experience.

Leor is the Senior Director at Upswing Solutions, a B Corp-certified boutique consulting firm where he supports government and private sector clients to decarbonize their supply chains, address human rights risks, and deeply integrate purpose and sustainability into their core strategies.

Leor’s background includes leading a national association called Canadian Business for Social Responsibility and co-founder of a sustainable events company called Do It Green.

In his new book, entitled How We Gather Matters, Leor makes the case for better utilizing major events as a powerful platform for societal change and lays out a blueprint for a more purposeful, inclusive and sustainable approach to bringing people together.

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Unlikely Allies Forge Powerful Success with Unique Skills and Harmony!

Tim Weber is CEO and Co-Founder of Diverso Energy, which helps developers of multi-family and commercial office buildings achieve sustainability and energy reduction targets without the capital cost. Diverso Energy offers a unique geothermal utility model converting the upfront costs to long-term operational expense. Tim has over 25 years in the HVAC industry with 15 of those focused exclusively on geothermal. With a broad knowledge of HVAC design and applications, Tim is always looking for unique opportunities to remove barriers and gain acceptance for mass market adoption. Let’s find out more.

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There is a place for everyone

Benjamin Achache comes from the south of France. Growing up, it came naturally to respect his environment and everything in it. His career path led him to Canada where he was lucky to meet his partner, Arantza while looking for ways to improve our wellbeing. They discovered Marine Phytoplankton and this resulted in MARPHYL®️ Marine Phytoplankton, a line of products dedicated to Phytoplankton.

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An obsession with being the best lawn care company in Canada

James Szojka started Yard Dawgs Lawn Care in 2014 as a tuition pay-off plan. Being allergic to grass, it was supposed to be a couple of years and summer only job.

But after graduating from university, he decided to give the business a full year of his attention to see what would happen as he did love the industry and building a team. He went all in on the company’s niche: making lawns green, weed free and healthy. Fast forward to 2024, the company is operating with 17 trucks, and it is planning to take care of over 6,000 clients this upcoming season. He’s become obsessed with being the best lawn care company in the city, and now has the goal of being Canada’s largest lawn care company. During the winter months and now throughout the year he also runs “The Dirt Life” channel on YouTube, which focuses on coaching others to in starting their own lawn care companies.

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Major oil & gas industry innovation – securing a North American supply of lithium

Alex Wylie has a proven track record of building high-growth businesses and is now President and CEO of Volt Lithium Corp. Alex is leading a game-changing technological shift in the oil and gas industry aiming to be North America’s first commercial producer of lithium from oilfield brine.

The vision is to secure a supply of lithium for Canada and other markets including the USA and global destinations currently involved in oil and gas extraction. Leveraging existing infrastructure, building a permanent testing facility, and collaborative partners in R&D and implementation Volt Lithium is undertaking what others thought was impossible.

On today’s podcast we’ll hear about:

  • How to find solutions ‘right under your nose’ that might not yet seem obvious
  • Oil & gas industry partnerships on lithium production
  • Strategic advantages to scale in Canada and Alberta
  • Why lithium is important for a better future

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Revolutionizing renewable energy with its scalable modular dams

Aslan Renewables, a PEI-based company founded by successful tech entrepreneur Andrew Murray, is revolutionizing renewable energy with its scalable modular dams designed to bring Canada’s 50,000 historical hydro sites back to life with modern technology.

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Devenir le seul joueur majeur dans le terreautage et l’ensemencement dans la province de Québec

Entrepreneur depuis plus de 18 ans, Philippe Goulet est visionnaire et polyvalent. Soucieux du travail bien fait et des chiffres, c’est un homme d’action qui aime être au cœur des décisions.

Co-fondateur du Boucan Boucherie et Traiteur, il a occupé le poste de président de 2017 à 2022 avant de vendre ses actions pour se consacrer à son entreprise en pleine expansion, Biotero.

L’idée de l’entreprise Biotero a germé dans son esprit alors qu’il était propriétaire d’une entreprise de paysagement et d’entretien extérieur à Lac-Beauport.

Suite au moratoire interdisant les engrais et les pesticides près des bassins versants, ses clients lui demandaient une alternative pour leur pelouse. Après des recherches, il a découvert ce procédé bien connu en Europe et utilisé sur les terrains de golf. En voulant l’appliquer, il a réalisé que les coûts de production étaient très élevés donc très dispendieux pour le client. C’est ainsi qu’il a imaginé la machinerie nécessaire pour le concept Biotero, le seul joueur majeur dans le domaine du terreautage et de l’ensemencement dans la province de Québec

Sa plus grande force en affaires est la gestion de la production et le contrôle des ressources. Pour lui, l’efficacité est primordiale. Sa meilleure qualité humaine est sans aucun doute son naturel communicatif. Il a réussi à se construire un énorme réseau de gens d’affaires et d’intrants professionnels.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne.

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Ending plastic pollution while bringing to the world pristine Canadian spring water

Saawan Logan was the youngest of 3 siblings was born in Fiji and moved to Canada from Australia. She is the woman who makes it all happen. She turns dreams into reality, with persistence, drive and her supercharged energy. Her sense of adventure spans globally for both work and leisure. She has worked across Asia Pacific, Australia and more recently, Canada. In her travels, the only thing she never came across was Canadian water on international shelves. After spending the majority of her career in oil and gas she ventured into entrepreneurship and started North Water. North Water is a pledge to end plastic pollution while bringing to the world pristine, Canadian spring water.

North Water went operational in 2020 and has since expanded its distribution network across Canada. North Water is sourced from the Canadian Rockies and is naturally high in alkaline. North Water is currently carried in 5-star hotels, private jets, major retailers like Whole Foods Canada and more recently on movie production sets. The company is ready to expand overseas where it can showcase the great-tasting water Canada has to offer.

Amongst Saawan’s many favourite things to do, spending time in nature, travelling, and cooking top the charts. Saawan is involved in the community and is always looking at taking on volunteer initiatives where she can make a difference. She believes in hearing everyone out and providing meaningful opportunities for everyone.

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Purush Cannane is the king of upcycle, the bigger sister to recycling

Purushothaman Cannane (Purush) creatively combined his engineering skill, passion for solving environmental problems, and his drive to help vulnerable communities when he founded Greenii to create paper bags from clean waste papers such as newsprints, magazines, flyers, and brochures. Avoiding post-consumer paper in order to bypass the need for additional environmentally unfriendly chemicals and processes, he sources high-quality paper wastes from libraries, corporate offices, paper mills, flyer distributors, universities, and printing presses, offers employment to recently immigrated women or refugees, and has now sold thousands of carrier bags in Canada and the USA to replace single-use plastic bags.

Not stopping yet, Purush has gone on to invent equipment (Semi-automatic assembly, first in the world to swiftly process newsprints, and magazines into paper bags) to facilitate growth in production volumes, and is expanding into box packaging as well. While handmade bags may continue to form a part of the product offering, it is the raw materials used that ensure bags will always remain unique. He even affords customers the opportunity to convert their unused, expired marketing materials and paper products into new packaging products for use by themselves or another environmentally conscious and creative business.

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L’adoption de nouvelles technologies pour démocratiser l’accès aux contenus

Marc Boutet est le cofondateur et président de De Marque. Au cours des trente dernières années, il a su lier ses passions pour la technologie, les gens et la culture pour ouvrir la voie à l’adoption de nouvelles technologies pour démocratiser l’accès aux contenus. Avec son équipe, il inspire les solutions et pour faire face aux défis qui se dessinent aujourd’hui devant l’ensemble de la chaîne du livre globale.

Initiateur des agrégateurs de livres numériques dans plusieurs pays, il a su amener De Marque, de ses bureaux de Québec, au cœur de projets innovants tels que le prêt de livres numériques en bibliothèques et la commercialisation de plateformes de commerce de livres numériques et audio.

Impliqué auprès de multiples industries, il est membre du conseil d’administration de l’École branchée, de la salle de spectacles l’Improdôme, de même que de la SODEC (Société de développement des entreprises culturelles). Il est détenteur d’un baccalauréat ès Sciences de l’Université Laval de même que d’un programme de 2e cycle en administration de l’Université McGill.

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