Human Resources

Getting Hybrid Work Right: Creating and Sustaining Inclusive Economic Growth in Canada

Stephen Harrington, Partner; National Leader for Workforce Strategy and Future of Work Advisory, Deloitte Canada.

Stephen is Deloitte’s National Leader for Workforce Strategy and Future of Work Advisory and has been a writer and speaker on the future of work since 2011. With 20 years’ experience in Consulting, Stephen leads transformations in workforce strategy to fundamentally get at changes in work, workforce and workplace to fuel business strategy. Stephen’s experience spans from strategy to design – he helps clients set workforce strategy to fuel business strategy, and then designs programs not simply to chase elusive ‘best-practice’ but to craft implementation solutions to meet the unique needs of client’s and their employees.

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Solving the pain point of sales-based compensation

Nabeil Alazzam, is CEO and founder of, a Toronto-based company striving to solve the massively under-appreciated pain point of sales-based compensation. Currently the systems for calculating and awarding sales-based compensation are clunky, unwieldy and often manual, creating a lot of work for operations teams and sales professionals. Nabeil identified that automation could solve this problem, and built a system (aka that is able to take the many unique compensation problems that sales organizations face and create unified solutions that save time, money, and mental health for their customers.

Nabeil can speak to the above and more on the podcast Building a solution that works: How has experienced over 2000% revenue growth since 2016. The overlooked market of sales compensation and how is streamlining the process for over $1.5 billion commissions per year.

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Sustainability and the workplace with Melanie Chin

Melanie Chin is the Brand & Community Manager for CIBC SQUARE, Toronto’s new international standard of community, providing an elevated environment for all to thrive through work, wellness and sustainability. Chin leads the marketing, communications, branding and programming direction for the development. Prior to joining Hines and the CIBC SQUARE team, Chin worked at Midway in Houston, TX, a real estate investment, development and management firm, as a Senior Marketing Coordinator managing the marketing programs for multiple developments. Throughout the years, Chin has worked with a number of global brands such as Kia, Nike, the NFL, and the Houston Rockets to create unique experiences. Melanie holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from Wilfrid Laurier University.

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Building a Hardware & Software Company as a Non-Technical Founder

Serese Selanders’ journey as a tech entrepreneur has been anything but typical. Serese spent 20 years in the financial services industry, the majority of those years as a senior executive. However, life threw her a curveball when her parents went through major health challenges. Despite having no technical background, she invented ORA, an innovative, wearable personal safety alert device. Two years ago, Serese launched her second company, SolusGuard. SolusGuard helps employers protect employees who work alone or in dangerous situations with a suite of hardware and software safety solutions. Listen in to find out how SolusGuard helps organizations keep their employees safe and the unconventional path Serese took to get here.

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How Dawn O’Connor built a virtual work community during a pandemic

Driven by a need to connect people in the throes of pandemic-life, Dawn O’Connor built a virtual community for individuals to work ‘separately-together’ inside a Focus Bubbles. Since formally launching in January 2021, Focus Bubbles has supported over 1000 hours of productive outcomes in 175 sessions. Participants work on small tasks and big projects, ranging from administrative to creative, while overcoming procrastination and immersing into deep work mode with the support of a committed community of Bubblers.

When not inside a Focus Bubbles, Dawn is a productivity trainer and facilitator with over 25 years experience. She has helped more than 10,000 clients around the world enjoy being more organized and less stressed. She is also the Chair of 2 Women’s Presidents Organization chapters in Calgary. Dawn has built and sold two businesses in the past and is excited to end her entrepreneurial journey with Focus Bubbles, which she plans to grow for the next 5 or so years before retiring.

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Se démarquer dans le monde du vêtements malgré la compétition

Philippe Vachon, c’est un peu le Maurice Richard de la bobette. Malgré les nombreux obstacles, les débâcles et les difficultés, il ne s’est jamais arrêté et s’est toujours relevé.

Rêveur comme le petit joueur de hockey, il met sur pause ses études au cégep et se lance en affaires pour la première fois à l’âge de 19 ans avec la compagnie de sports Maverick. Vite sur ses patins, le jeune adulte connaît du succès rapidement. Mais, la puck n’est pas dans le camp de Phil : du jour au lendemain, un incendie emporte Maverick en même temps que son espoir pour une victoire précoce dans le monde de l’entrepreneuriat.

Lui qui considérait retourner aux études accepte une offre d’emploi intéressante à Xerox sans toutefois perdre de vue son rêve. Peu de temps après, un projet stimulant se présente à lui : son ami d’enfance, David Côté-Hamel, désire partir son agence de publicité web. On est alors en 2008. L’entreprise fleurit rapidement, embauche une vingtaine de professionnels et se démarque de sa concurrence. C’est la deuxième expérience entrepreneuriale de Phil. La deuxième saison de notre joueur ne s’augure pas aussi facile qu’il le souhaiterait. Hors de son champ d’expertise, Phil se sent parfois imposteur à l’agence.

En 2010, les étoiles s’alignent et il fait son entrée dans la ligue des grands. Son retour dans le commerce de détail se fait avec Mesbobettes. La compagnie de sous-vêtements masculins se veut un projet-test : les deux entrepreneurs essayeront leur stratégie marketing en ligne.

Phil réalise deux tours du chapeau avec Olivier Dion et la publicité Clic Clic pour le Club MesBobettes. On est alors en 2015 et malgré quelques blessures, Mesbobettes s’en tire bien. Toutefois, le double échec des magasins de la région de Montréal met en péril le futur entrepreneurial de notre athlète. Tenace et persévérant, Phil se retrousse les manches. Avec l’aide de Dave, il restructure et relance la compagnie, crée sa marque de boxers et passe aux Dragons. Depuis, les deux gars ne font qu’accumuler les victoires.

Si Phil est le Maurice Richard des bobettes, c’est bien pour toutes ces fois où il s’est obstiné et a fait preuve de détermination et de courage, tout comme la figure emblématique du hockey. En dépit de la perte totale de sa première entreprise et des nombreuses épreuves connues avec Mesbobettes, l’homme n’a jamais baissé les bras.

D’où lui vient ce trait de personnalité ? Son parcours sportif dans sa jeunesse, ses expériences de capitaine d’équipe. Phil a toujours été un fonceur, un gars qui avait la bougeotte. Président de son école secondaire, il a fait preuve de leadership dès son enfance.

Tout comme Maurice Richard, il ne compte plus s’arrêter. La prochaine étape : conseiller de nouveaux entrepreneurs et devenir investisseur.

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Guiellermo Salazar’s frustration with a garage door results in on-demand customer service for major utility companies

Guillermo Salazar is a Co-Founder of ICwhatUC, an industry-leading augmented reality virtual work platform that helps the mobile workforce execute remote work. He is a 20-year data & analytics professional and multiple-time founder. He began his career in consulting, left PWC to start his own ERP firm, and then sold Quatro Integration Group to Deloitte Consulting.

His entrepreneurial spirit meant starting another company of his own, and Salazar set about finding a solution to the frustration of dialing into a call centre, trying to communicate a problem and then waiting for days to get it fixed. Hence, ICwhatUC was born.

Salazar earned a finance degree from the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business. He is in his ninth year as a member of its management advisory committee and is past chair of the Haskayne Alumni Board.

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Josianne Lapierre parle de vivre votre rêve à travers le service à la clientèle, le réseautage, la comptabilité

Josianne Lapierre (, une femme axée sur le côté humain et la communication a toujours eu un faible pour le service à la clientèle. À la suite d’un imprévu, elle décide de se lancer dans le domaine du crédit. Pour bien faire les choses, elle s’entoure de personnel compétent et s’inscrit à de multiples formations afin de bâtir son entreprise. En amour avec son domaine d’activité, elle fera tout pour devenir la référence en gestion des comptes au Québec. Malgré les multiples embûches et les difficultés vécues par les femmes se lançant en affaires, Josianne se dévoue corps et âme afin de faire croître son entreprise afin d’offrir un service d’exception.

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Peter Faist is Founder and CEO of Staffy, Solving Staffing Challenges for Hospitality and Healthcare

Peter Faist is Founder and CEO of Staffy and maintains a reputation as a bon vivant. He has diverse experience for some of the largest and most technically complex companies in North America. Prior to founding Staffy, he was the President of NetCon1, an elite Network and Security consulting firm. Peter is a graduate of Next Founders, a judge for Top 100 Restaurants in Canada and has appeared on BNN’s The Disruptors where Staffy finished in the top 5 of the season. Peter studied Computer Programming at Sheridan College, and completed one year of culinary training at George Brown. Peter’s passion for changing the hospitality landscape has enabled Staffy’s success in Toronto, Vancouver, and New York. Staffy is a new app that takes a radical approach to solving staffing challenges within the hospitality and health care sectors. By creating a first of its kind on-demand marketplace, businesses can quickly and efficiently connect with contractors to meet their immediate, short-term or long-term staffing needs. For skilled workers in the hospitality and healthcare industries, Staffy provides the opportunity to pick up shifts tailored to their experience and schedule.

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Amanda Munday is Founder & CEO of The Workaround and Author of Her Memoir Day Nine: A Postpartum Depression Memoir

Amanda Munday is the founder and CEO of The Workaround and author of the best selling memoir Day Nine: a postpartum depression memoir. She advocates for childcare at all orders of government, and sits on the Board of Directors for Creative Preschool of East Toronto and the Danforth Mosaic Business Improvement Area. She also is a speaker in the upcoming TedX Toronto 2020 series: Uncharted.

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