Health and Wellness

Changing the planet, one grass-roots movement at a time

Teresa de Grosbois (say “de-Grow-bwah”) based in Costa Rica. Teresa is on a mission to change the planet, one grass-roots movement at a time. She is the #1 international bestselling author of ‘Mass Influence – The Habits of the Highly Influential’, which has been on the bestseller lists in 7 countries since 2015.

A 4x international bestselling author, Teresa teaches marketing courses around the globe to business leaders and entrepreneurs on how to create massively successful word of mouth campaigns. Teresa heads the international Evolutionary Business Council, a membership-based organization which empowers change-makers to create profitable, impactful businesses that have a lasting and transformational impact on the individuals that they serve.

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Bouger parce qu’on s’aime! La philosophie de Cathy Lam

Même si Cathy Lam a démarré MonGymEnLigne en 3 mois, c’est l’histoire d’une vie qui se cache derrière sa persévérance.

Cette salle de sport virtuelle francophone est passée de 20 vidéos à son lancement en 2016 à plus de 800 vidéos d’entrainement en ligne en moins de 6 ans. Avec plus de 15 entraineurs qualifiés qui partagent ses valeurs, elle rejoint maintenant près de 20 000 personnes inscrites à leurs différents défis #Fitness. Elle rayonne de Québec à “WorldWide” puisque plusieurs membres européens l’ont adoptée.

Entraineur privé depuis 2011, c’est un évènement incomparable qui l’a complètement transformée: la naissance de Fiston. En effet, c’est à ce moment qu’elle a réalisé qu’elle a passé plus de 20 ans de sa vie à contrôler son poids, avec un manque envahissant d’estime de soi. Elle découvre alors que la pression sociale, l’idéal minceur et les standards de beauté ont ont eu un impact nocif sur sa propre vie, mais aussi, sur la vie de plusieurs.

Son histoire est unique – comme tout le monde! Sauf que c’est exactement à ce moment-là qu’elle de “changer le monde”. Pour léguer un meilleur monde à son fils.

Elle découvre alors une force, une confiance en elle, en ses capacités et en son corps qu’elle souhaite te transmettre. Elle a donc effectué un changement de carrière, en quittant son poste de directrice de restaurant pour se lancer en affaires afin de te transmettre ce bien-être intérieur.

“Quand ta motivation est plus grande que tes craintes, c’est là que tu peux réellement faire une différence, peu importe ton objectif” croit-elle fermement.

Depuis, elle aide les gens à reprendre leur pouvoir sur leur santé et leur estime de soi. Elle change peu à peu l’industrie du fitness en proposant des modèles sains et en dénonçant la pression sociale ainsi que les modèles irréalistes. Son objectif est d’améliorer non seulement ta condition physique, mais aussi de t’aider à découvrir ta force mentale et physique. Sa mission, c’est de t’aider à éliminer tes pensées limitantes et les métamorphoser en actions concrètes et motivantes.

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Un micro changement à la fois pour des changements durables!

ANiK Lalancette, co-fondatrice de micrΩmega, est infopreneure et master coach certifiée de l’Institut des Neurosciences Appliquées du Québec (INAQ). Elle accompagne les individus à retrouver leur vitalité et à générer une énergie plus productive. Experte de l’état d’esprit du changement, elle s’est spécialisée dans l’harmonisation du narratif intérieur pour qu’il s’aligne avec la transformation identitaire.

micrΩmega est un mouvement de transformation humaine qui repose sur un environnement social sécuritaire, éducatif et motivant, à l’intérieur duquel les individus sont encouragés à accumuler des micro-actions pour arriver à transformer leur vie positivement et de façon durable.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne.

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To build a business successfully surround yourself with people who are smarter than you and let your ego go by the wayside

A fourth-generation entrepreneur and an iconic Canadian brand, Gillian Stein tells us what it takes to be the fourth generation to continue Henry’s success and speaks out about mental illness.

It’s clear that people truly do like a physical shopping experience. The important part is embracing both. The digital experience is a really important part of the customer shopping journey. So you need to make sure that you’re digital. But you also have to be physical, and for Henry’s the key is: what’s the value proposition?

We have setup the Henry’s Foundation in support of mental health. Our healthcare system is really not set up for mental health care. It’s a real challenge right now. When it comes to mental health, talk to somebody. The most important thing is to start talking.

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Calgary-Based Entrepreneur is Changing the Way We Sleep

If you ask Lara Smith what led her to create Lusomé, she would tell you it was partly circumstantial, partly destiny.

She kicked off her 20-year career at two of the biggest fashion houses in the world – Ralph Lauren and Gucci – and quickly worked her way up as a senior executive at some of Canada’s largest retailers. There, she traveled the globe to discover and create innovative apparel solutions that would make a difference in the lives of consumers.

But it wasn’t until Lara watched her sister battle with breast cancer and the uncomfortable, long-term side effects that resulted from her treatments that she set out to find the most important solution of all – a solution to preventing overheating and night sweats in the clothing that is meant to make us feel beautiful. Lara looked throughout North America and Europe for a sleep brand with beautiful style and fabrics, but they were using 100% polyester and chemicals in the finishing process. Not to mention, their cooling technology never truly worked.

That’s when Lara decided to create her own solution, one that fuses beauty, comfort and science. Her vision came to life through Lusomé, a new pajama brand that promotes the health and sleep of its wearers through first-of-its-kind technology that stops night sweats before it starts.

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Choisis-toi maintenant, le dicton de Mylène Massé

Entraîneuse, naturopathe et coach en relation d’aide, Mylène Massé est une passionnée de la santé. Sa mission : aider les femmes et les hommes à devenir la meilleure version d’eux-même par l’activité physique, une alimentation équilibrée et un grand amour de soi. Elle a débuté son parcours professionnel comme hôtelière pour enfin retrouver sa passion de toujours depuis 2013. Passant de prof de cours de Bootcamp, spinning et CrossFit, à femme d’affaire pour La Fille en forme, œuvrant surtout sur le web pour toucher toute la francophonie, Mylene se caractérise comme CELLE qui vous fera atteindre vos objectifs de poids dans le plaisir et la compréhension. Choisis-toi maintenant, et pour toujours est son dicton.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne.

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Doing business with the 2nd most consumed beverage on the planet

Tracy Bell is a corporate exec turned start-up CEO.

In 2016, a health scare in the family prompted Tracy and her husband to reimagine the way tea is processed in an effort to extract more antioxidants. That concept led to the creation of a new category of tea – called Fresh-Leaf TEA – and a product that is being called “the future of tea” by industry leaders.

In 2017 their innovation was named Best New Product (Innovation category) at World Tea Expo. And in 2019 Millennia TEA was one of eight companies globally selected for participation in the #1 food innovation accelerator in the world, Food-X, in New York City.

Before Millennia TEA, Tracy worked as PR strategist and television reporter, receiving national and international accolades for her work.

Originally from Southern Ontario, Tracy has lived in Atlantic Canada for 15+ years and considers herself a full-fledged Maritimer. Tracy and her husband Rory live in New Brunswick with their two (awesome!) kids.

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Massage expert does it differently than the average bear!

Kimberly White-Vincent began her career as a Registered Massage Therapist and solo-preneur in 2002 after graduating from the Kine Concept Institute of Massage Therapy. Having grown up in the beautiful countryside of Southern New Brunswick, she pursued her career in Saint John, N.B. where she grew her practice. As the first entrepreneur of her family, she navigated entrepreneurship on her own while growing her practice and her business into the current multi-disciplinary wellness clinic Serene Physique Inc. She is an active member of the CMTNB (College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick), ANBMT (Association of New Brunswick Massage Therapists), The Chamber of Commerce,. She also holds certifications in several complementary modalities such as Virtual Massage Therapy Care, TDR-WM Cupping and Aromatherapy and volunteers as Chair Mentor with the ANBMT, and works as an examiner with the CMTNB.

Upon receiving mentorship and coaching for her business, she has researched and established the need to pursue workplace care. It is her passion to improve soft tissue health and mental health in the workplace (including the work from home setting), a need she has grown increasingly aware of over the course of her 20 year career. Having served as a corporate Massage Therapist for many corporations during her career, she has proven the concept and witnessed the many benefits that massage therapy brings to employees and corporations. Kimberley and her team at Serene Workforce believe that healthy and happy employees make healthy and happy corporations. As a thought leader and expert in the field of corporate massage therapy, Kimberley brings years of trust and enthusiasm to employees and companies she works with.

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The artful mending of pain and mental health through psychedelic-assisted therapies

Heesoo Cho, Co-Founder and Managing Director of SABI Mind, is an operational leader who previously worked in operations & strategy at large Canadian companies. He has extensive experience in strategic planning and the execution of high-complexity and multi-disciplinary programs. With over 10 years of leadership experience and a track record in successfully managing and operating over $30 million in assets, he is known for developing and delivering service-driven solutions, providing outstanding client service, and driving profitable revenue growth. As the Co-founder of SABI Mind, Heesoo is responsible for the company’s growth and operations strategy, ensuring that SABI Mind provides industry-leading processes and management techniques that enable best-in-class patient care.

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Championing an elevated plant-based cuisine

Conceptualized by Canadian chef, Adam Ryan, Fire & Flora offers an immersive dining experience, underscored by elevated plant-based cuisine and Canadian-grown ingredients. This fine dining establishment is both a destination for discerning foodies and a celebrated local hot spot for residents of the Beltline neighbourhood. As interest in plant-based dining continues to grow, chef Ryan’s innovative menu aims to reassure diners that this culinary trend is here to stay.

Located in Calgary’s newest entertainment hub, The District at Beltline, Fire & Flora focuses on Canadian grown ingredients first and foremost, starting with local Alberta farmers, artisans and producers. The restaurant combines chef Ryan’s passion for sustainability with elegant, ingredient-driven dining. Dishes highlight certain fruits, vegetables or other ingredients as they are at their seasonal peak and chef Ryan’s team will work closely with producers and farmers to create in-season menus that incorporate more whole ingredients and refrain from using meat substitutes or processed foods.

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