Events & Entertainment

Wes Hall of Dragons’ Den invites you to submit your pitch and gives some helpful tips

Dragons’ Den and Canada’s Podcast have partnered to give away 3 golden tickets to pitch to the dragons! Get your golden ticket to Dragons’ Den today by uploading your 60-second video pitch to our entry page at The best 3 elevator pitches will get a golden ticket to audition to the Dragons’ Den producers.

Wes Hall is Executive Chairman and Founder of Kingsdale Advisors. He is the newest Dragon to the Den – Canada’s first Black Dragon. He has been married for 30 years and is father of five kids. Wes was originally from St. Thomas, Jamaica and he immigrated to Canada at 16 years old. Raised by his grandmother in a tin shack with 13 siblings and no running water, Wes is truly a self-made Canadian dream success story. His favourite sports team: the Toronto Raptors. Wes is very into fitness (yoga, pilates, peloton, treadmill, weights, all sports). Wes is known for his generosity, leveraging his business success to benefit others with a number of impactful charitable initiatives, and serves as a Board Member of the SickKids Foundation, Pathways to Education, Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) and The Black Academy. He is also a Member of the Board of Governors at Huron University College. Wes is Founder and Chairman of The Canadian Council of Business Leaders Against Anti-Black Systemic Racism and the BlackNorth Initiative, committed to the removal of anti-Black systemic barriers negatively affecting the lives of Black Canadians. He has also changed the lives of thousands of children in the Caribbean and Canada, donating both his money and time. In 2015, Wes was the recipient of the Vice Chancellor’s Award and in 2017 received an Honorary Doctorate, both from the University of the West Indies.

Maybe you can join him and begin your success journey. Take a listen to the podcast. Give us your 60-second video pitch and who knows, you might get to meet the Dragons. The best 3 elevator pitches will get a golden ticket to audition to the Dragons’ Den producers. Go to and make your pitch.

Farm-to-table and the growing passion for gathering around the table

Chanelle Belliveau’s Farm-to-Table NB was a beautiful project built out of her work experience and a growing passion for gathering around the table.

With a background in holistic nutrition and culinary nutrition, Chanelle was deeply passionate about making the connection between where our food comes from, and how it got to our plate. This lead her to work on an organic farm, to make that connection, learn, and finalize the cycle of farm-to-table.

Chanelle has been teaching cooking classes locally in Moncton and Cap-Pele, NB, since 2016.

Cooking classes themes and recipes varies from month to month, all with the purpose of highlighting local ingredients, farmers and producers.

Her team’s farm-to-table outdoor dining experiences only started last year, but with a bang! They hosted our first dinner in beautiful Cocagne, NB, with a small intimate group of 25 people. The goal with the outdoor dining experiences is really to show guests directly where their food comes from, and then experience the ultimate farm-to-table meal, enjoying the ingredients collected from the farm during dinner.

Farm-to-Table NB is focused on serving New-Brunswickers – currently in the Greater Moncton area and surroundings – but looking to expand to various locations all across New Brunswick in the new year!

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Changing the landscape for Canadian songwriters

Brittni Noble is a songwriter from Vancouver, Canada who has been performing in front of audiences with her R&B influenced vocals and original songs since she was 12 years old. Brittni went on to graduate from Vancouver Community College’s Jazz and Contemporary Voice program with a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Music and proceeded to teach children, private voice lessons and musical theatre for three years in Vancouver. In 2015, Brittni earned a scholarship to Berklee School of Music where she studied Songwriting and Vocal Performance before moving to LA and attending Los Angeles College of Music (LACM) where she earned an Associate’s Degree in Songwriting. While studying at LACM, Brittni worked as a Digital Marketer at LA-based record label, Three Seventy Music Group. She also Interned at 411 Music Group to learn more about the music publishing industry and which is where the idea for be noble was born. Brittni moved back to Vancouver in 2019 and worked as the Head of Music and Voice at a Marketing and Advertising agency until the pandemic hit. With this sudden shift in her life, Brittni decided to pursue her passion of music publishing and helping other songwriters, launching be noble in January 2021 while continuing to work as Head of Creative for the same Marketing and Advertising agency. Brittni looks forward to sharing her knowledge and expertise she has gained through her education and work experiences with other songwriters to help further their careers and act as their partner, champion and advocate.

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Agir en fonction de ses valeurs par Jessie Nadeau

S’investir dans des projets en lien avec ses valeurs, vouloir changer le monde et être une girlboss pour Végane, mais pas plate! Voici quelques éléments abordé par Jessie Nadeau avec notre host Sylvie Bougie. PS Un scoop se retrouve dans le balado, vous voulez pas manquer cela 🙂

Jessie Nadeau a grandi en Beauce avant de déménager à Québec pour ses études en cinéma. Elle a poursuivi son parcours en psychologie à l’université, pour renouer ensuite avec son amour des arts en suivant plusieurs formations d’acteurs à Montréal, Vancouver et Los Angeles, ainsi qu’une formation intensive en Filmmaking à New-York.

Après une grosse prise de conscience concernant les impacts de l’agriculture animale sur la planète et des habitants, elle a entamé une transition vers un mode de vie plus écolo et est devenue une fervente défenderesse des droits des animaux. Elle a décidé d’allier sa passion pour les arts à ce mouvement qui l’anime. Son désir d’un monde plus juste l’a aussi motivé à faire tout en son pouvoir pour faire avancer plusieurs autres combats de justice sociale et environnementale. Elle a réalisé des courts-métrages et vidéos engagés qui façonnent son activisme, en plus d’oeuvrer en tant que scénariste, metteure en scène, animatrice, réalisatrice et actrice sur plusieurs autres projets.

Après sa participation à Occupation Double, Jessie a eu la chance d’obtenir une belle tribune et une communauté grandissante. Trouvant important d’utiliser cette nouvelle visibilité au profit des causes qui lui tiennent à coeur, elle a co-fondé l’entreprise « Végane, mais pas plate! » afin de rendre l’alimentation végétalienne plus accessible.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne. Pour soutenir les entreprises canadiennes, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube et suivez-nous sur Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn et Twitter.

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The future of events is hybrid, with Loren Maisels

Loren Maisels, CMP is Founder & President of LOMA Marketing Agency – an events experience firm that creates holistic strategies for events that meet the strategic, creative and experiential goals of their clients and partners.

As a detail-oriented and results-driven leader, Loren has focused her 15+ year career on B2B events marketing and demand generation! With experience in both agency and corporate environments, Loren has planned numerous ROI-driven events for companies including Vision|Co, Accenture, Achievers and Great Place to Work.

A Toronto native, Loren found herself in San Francisco, California in 2011, spearheading SaaS company Achievers’ events expansion strategy. Among other key tactics, results-driven events paid off and the company was ultimately acquired by Blackhawk Networks in 2015. Upon returning to Toronto in 2016, Loren founded LOMA Marketing Agency.

Loren graduated from Ryerson University in 2004 with a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Marketing and minoring in International Relations. She achieved her CMP (Certified Meeting Planner) designation in July 2011 and continues to stay active and current on all global issues and trends within the marketing and event communities.

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Mark Kondrat wants you to discover craft beer across Alberta at festivals and events

Mark Kondrat, CEO, Alberta Beer Festivals, produces beer festivals in the province – Calgary International Beerfest, Edmonton Craft Beer Festival, The Mashing (Calgary & Edmonton), Banff Craft Beer Festival and The Jasper Beer & Barley Summit. He’s been working with breweries, agencies and restaurants since 2005 to promote the craft beer industry in Alberta. He’s a serial entrepreneur with other ventures such as Pitched Tent Coffee and a podcaster.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Comment innover en période de crise? Dave Welsh président de Défi-Évasion en discute avec Sylvie Bougie

Dave Welsh est le président de Défi-Évasion inc. Entrepreneur depuis plusieurs années, il travaille avec passion et acharnement au développement de son entreprise. Défi-Évasion compte maintenant 2 succursales, un Défi-Évasion mobile en plus des jeux Défi-Évasion Chez Soi.

Papa d’un garçon de 3 ans et d’un autre en cours, il s’efforce à déployer son ambition, son énergie, sa détermination et son pouvoir mobilisateur afin d’atteindre ses objectifs, soit notamment de créer une entreprise durable, innovante et à succès! Le contexte de la dernière année a soulevé son lot de défis professionnels, mais il a aussi confirmé qu’il était une homme d’action qui n’a pas peur de relever des nouveaux défis et d’innover en contexte de crise.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne. Pour soutenir les entreprises canadiennes, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube et suivez-nous sur Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn et Twitter.

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Kevin Harrison is Principal at Sturgess Architecture, a Locally Based Firm That Has Completed Some of Canada’s Most Recognized Projects

Kevin Harrison is the Principal at Sturgess Architecture, a locally based firm that has completed some of Canada’s most recognized projects. They created the Glacier Skywalk, and are working on a Flyover Canada project in Toronto, as well as being in charge of the new Green Line in Calgary.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Lisa Marks is an Award-Winning Global Event Industry Leader and Founder of Brand Alive

Lisa Marks, BComm, CSEP, is an award-winning global event industry leader. Her background includes more than a decade of experience in the special events business, with a past role as head of events for Shaw Communications, where Marks built and led the event and experiential strategy and execution for the brand. Marks has held strategic leadership roles with the International Live Events Association and is part of the Global Event Forum. Lisa was honoured with the J. Robert Graves Pioneer Award in 2018 for her leadership in the industry and is one of the 2020 Top 250 Event Planners in Canada, an esteemed list presented by BizBash. Brand Alive grew out of Lisa’s many years of witnessing the powerful opportunities that events and experiences can unlock for corporations.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Brett Annable, Owner of Millionaires Row Cider Company, Is Helping Keep the Essence of Canada’s Rich Entrepreneurial History Alive!

Armed with the dream of a family farm, finance experience and theological training, Brett Annable and his wife Janet purchased a 10-acre apple orchard in Summerland, British Columbia, discovered a rich history on their land, then launched ‘Millionnaires’ Row Cider Company. Brett & Janet combined their skills and together tapped into their entrepreneurial spirit to become a couple and ‘product’ of note in the Okanagan Valley. Brett and Janet, through their ‘cider’ making, tasting, distribution and storytelling – are helping to keep the essence of the ‘Millionnaire’s Row’ story alive as part of Canada’s rich entrepreneurial history. Three of the ‘Millionnaires’ were national bank presidents – ultimately knighted for their contributions to Canada – responsible for providing much of the initial capital to finance western Canada’s timber, mining, transportation and utility industries; and whose benevolence later extended to helping establish the ‘Okanagan’s notoriety as a ‘fruit’ growing/manufacturing mecca, and a destination of choice to experience local farms, markets, stores, restaurants, wineries, breweries and more.

Visit to open your online shop.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.