Coaching & Consulting

Douglas Vermeeren is an author, filmmaker, and founder of the Certified Entrepreneur Coach program

Douglas Vermeeren is an author, filmmaker, and founder of the Certified Entrepreneur Coach program. He has written over 50 books, produced five award-winning films, and built multiple eight-figure companies. Douglas’s training programs share strategies of how to connect with the highest level achievers and expand your network to grow your business. He is a world-renowned speaker and trainer featured at some of the globe’s largest events such as Grant Cardone’s 10X Con and has interviewed more than 400 top experts in the fields of business, psychology, and human performance, including Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Vitale, John Assaraf and more. Douglas Vermeeren has been featured by CNN, Business Insider, NBC, Forbes and FOX to name a few.

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Fitness World would love to see 50% more Canadians realize improved mental & bodily health

With over 20 years in the fitness industry, Chris Smith has watched the industry grow, becoming an essential part of peoples’ lives year after year.

Starting his career early in the fitness industry, Chris has been involved in the operations and logistics of many clubs — from sales to managing and everything in between. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health and Promotion from Portland State University, Chris has brought his passion, dedication and perseverance to many clubs throughout North America. Based in Vancouver, BC, Chris now acts as the Chief Executive Officer and President of Fitness World, leading the charge to launch 15 clubs across B.C. in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fitness finds its way into all aspects of Chris’ life — from his career to his personal life and staying active with his five kids in tow.

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Why tapping “intuition” is essential in business

Susheela Ramachandran is an intuitive channel who shifts people’s frequency through sound and play. Her mission is to help purpose-driven souls who want to make the world a better place awaken and embody their full power and self-expression. She channels angelic soul songs and facilitates creative play experiences that catapult people into the next level of their power and self-expression. She also is the co-host of the Revolutionary Woman Global Table at Revolutionary Woman – convening global conversations for women and girls shaping the future of the planet. Susheela currently resides in Vancouver, BC. To learn more about Susheela visit

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Self-confidence is making a commitment to yourself and following it through

Jacqueline Frederick truly believes life is a gift every day. Her goal in life is to always live, laugh, love, and fulfill her plan and purpose. As a personal trainer, she saw the struggle as her clients tried to achieve their goals but experienced setbacks and failures through a lack of self-esteem and confidence – the very same issues she had struggled to overcome herself. Believing that she was not smart or capable enough kept her confidence low and her achievements minimal. Finding the strength to have confidence in herself was a game-changer; she learned that she can trust herself and that she can do anything. Now, she shares that same experience with her clients.

I show them that self-confidence is making a commitment to yourself and following it through. By creating a safe space for being vulnerable, I help my clients shed the weight of other people’s expectations, their own fears and stand with them every step of the way as they power through to their goals.

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Connect to purpose, be curious and find a community

Carolyn Cooper-McOuatt brings a deep passion and purpose to nurture, guide and lead each person to their unlimited human potential and to build the business they have always dreamed it to be. She has been learning and leading people to “Live above the Line” for more than 3 decades. The focus is to build a positive business future with a crystal-clear vision, meaningful direction, purpose and plans of action as well as experiencing a community of support. Through her Grand Connection meaningful mastermind groups and inspired business planning programs, people transform their businesses and become the leaders they are meant to be, set strategic goals, take bigger risks, and have a community to celebrate their wins!

She brings a spirit of energy that is contagious, uplifting, and inspiring.

Carolyn was the captain of her cheerleading team in high school and continues her mission to lead by contributing to business owners as an advocate, mentor, cheerleader and sounding board to support them to move and grow towards their Grand Potential.

Her commitment is to always be curious, open-minded and intentional in life and business and go after her Grand adventures.

Carolyn feels honored and blessed to be the Co-Founder of the Grand Connection virtual networking community along with Susan Jarema. She knows it is their true calling to create the place and the space for businesses from around the globe to have the Grand Connections, create new opportunities, and collaborate to grow together and impact the world in meaningful ways.

Carolyn is grateful to live in beautiful Kelowna British Columbia where each morning she appreciates hiking her dog Tucker and enjoying her yoga.

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You’re stronger than you think! Why Mike Shoreman is committed to being the first person to Paddleboard across Lake Ontario

Have you ever held back because you felt the obstacles and challenges in front of you seemed insurmountable?

The Unbalanced Paddleboarder knows just what it means to CRASH & RISE.

Mike Shoreman is The Unbalanced Paddleboarder. An award winning speaker, author, athlete, mental health advocate and entrepreneur. After a sudden neurological condition changed his whole life, destroyed his paddle boarding career and left him immobile, unbalanced, incapacitated and told he would never paddleboard again by specialists.

He set out on a mission to prove everyone wrong.

Mike shares his story of overcoming adversity around the world inspiring and motivating people to overcome the greatest obstacles standing in their way. He encourages people to use their fears and struggles as their greatest weapons and drives audiences to become the STRONGEST versions of themselves.

Mike has been featured in over 50 media outlets including: Yahoo, MSN, CBS, NBC, CTV News, CTV Morning Live Calgary, Global News, Breakfast Television, CP 24, UNILAD, Narcity, Some Good News,, Health Beat, National Post, Toronto SUN, Toronto Life, Vancouver SUN, The World News, Power of Positivity, Innerlight Media, Ashton Kutcher’s A Plus, Chicken Soup for the Soul and more.

Donate to Mike’s cause at

Check out his book Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE: From Victim to Thriving Survivor at

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La bonne communication… un des conseils de Olivier Caré-ActionCoach Québec!

Passionné par l’aviation depuis son plus jeune âge, Olivier Caré a suivi des études d’ingénieur en mécanique aéronautique mais son goût pour l’entrepreneuriat et les technologies de l’information l’ont conduit sur une autre voie.

Ces 25 dernières années, il a donc évolué dans ce domaine, tout d’abord comme Directeur Technique Associé, puis dirigeant d’une entreprise spécialisée dans les Services informatiques pour les PME en France. Le développement de cette structure lui a permis de vivre plusieurs projets d’acquisition, fusion et cession dans un contexte international.

En 2014, il quitte la France pour le Québec afin de rejoindre l’équipe TI d’un grand groupe financier Canadien. Ayant occupé différentes fonctions de gestion dont celle de Directeur de la Sécurité de l’Information, et désireux de lancer un nouveau projet en tant qu’entrepreneur, il quitte le groupe en 2019 pour créer sa structure spécialisée dans l’accompagnement des dirigeants d’entreprises en s’appuyant sur une franchise déployée dans plus de 80 pays (ActionCOACH).

Sa priorité pour la suite de sa carrière est d’associer recherche de sens, respect de ses valeurs et actions en contribuant au développement de l’entreprenariat au sein de sa communauté. On le décrit comme étant rigoureux, professionnel, humain, loyal, curieux, et doté d’une forte capacité d’adaptation.

Marié et père de deux adolescents de 16 ans et 18 ans, il saisit toute l’importance d’avoir un équilibre entre sa vie professionnelle et personnelle.

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Judy Riege is coaching and training everyone from students to athletes to CEOs – Calgary – Canada’s Podcast

Judy Riege of Connected Leaders does coaching and training with everyone from students to athletes to CEOs. She’s basically the Brene Brown of Canada. She’s amazing at addressing some of the challenges business leaders have been facing through the pandemic and how to lead through adversity. She’s articulate and well-spoken. Truly inspiring!

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Forger sa vie entrepreneuriale et contribuer à la croissance des entreprises et des individus

Visage bien connu de la scène numérique québécoise, Charlie Fernandez s’est notamment illustré en tant que directeur des communications du Web à Québec, plus grand événement numérique francophone en Amérique.

Depuis 2017, Charlie se consacre au développement de Studio Réverbère, première agence spécialisée sur Instagram au Canada dont il est le Président et le cofondateur.

Formateur et conférencier avec plus de 100 activités à son actif, Charlie est également l’auteur d’Instagram sans filtre, ouvrage marketing le plus complet publié à ce jour au sujet de ce réseau social.

Entrepreneur, Charlie est également impliqué dans sa communauté puisqu’il agit à titre de mentor pour le réseau Femmessor, mais également à titre d’ambassadeur pour l’entrepreneuriat québécois dans le cadre de la mission économique France 2020 organisée par le Réseau M.

Enfin, Charlie est détenteur d’un baccalauréat en administration des affaires de la London South Bank University et d’une maîtrise en administration des affaires de l’IDRAC Business School dont il est l’ambassadeur au Canada.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne. Pour soutenir les entreprises canadiennes, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube et suivez-nous sur Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn et Twitter.

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Lessons from a WILDLY successful Kickstarter Campaign with Quanta Vici founder Adrien Beyk

Adrien Beyk, Founder & CEO of Quanta Vici, a Toronto-based Smart Wearable tech startup that recently launched the world’s first Smart Heated Gloves and Socks.

Adrien launched his very first product at the age of 15, a full image editing software suite that got a few million downloads back in the day, known as Pixel Degrees.

He then studied Engineering at Ryerson University, after graduation he worked with various tech startups as a senior lead engineer, handling the full cycle of different products.

Today, he is leading his company, Quanta Vici towards conquering the Smart Apparel industry through a never seen before smart wearable technology that senses and maintains the temperature of your clothing according to your very own personal preferences.

He is also a strong believer in open-source venture creation, which is why he actively produces content on YouTube and Instagram, sharing his findings and methods as an Entrepreneur.

You can also find Adrien on YouTube on Instagram by Searching Adrien Beyk where he shares his experience as an entrepreneur.

Check out his crowdfunding campaign page at

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