Health and Wellness

Psychedelics and the future of treating substance abuse with John Lem and Timothy Ko

Entheon Biomedical CEO Timothy Ko and John Lem, the founder of Lobo Genetics are singular in their mission to research genetic driven approaches to developing personalized tools for use in psychedelic-assisted therapeutic treatments for substance use disorders.

With firsthand knowledge of the shortcomings of the current treatment system, Ko, and Lem, the developer behind a direct-to-consumer platform being used in HaluGen’s Psychedelic Genetics test kit, the two are working together to find the right solutions for patients faster and improve outcomes.

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Doing business responsibly: when it‘s time to shut up your ego!

Founded in Montreal, Canada in 2020, Sarah Laroche was eager to get SELV Rituel up and running after traveling around the world and discovering the “slow life” philosophy which encourages self-care, a focus on one’s self and promotes listening to your body. This is where the idea of SELV comes from: to offer time to people, the opportunity to take care of oneself or others. She expanded on this philosophy by developing products that would incorporate the ritual of bath; where you truly have to sit down with yourself and take the time to unwind. Through SELV, Sarah has felt incredible joy – one that has motivated her to create over 140 products, with many more to come!

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Agir en fonction de ses valeurs par Jessie Nadeau

S’investir dans des projets en lien avec ses valeurs, vouloir changer le monde et être une girlboss pour Végane, mais pas plate! Voici quelques éléments abordé par Jessie Nadeau avec notre host Sylvie Bougie. PS Un scoop se retrouve dans le balado, vous voulez pas manquer cela 🙂

Jessie Nadeau a grandi en Beauce avant de déménager à Québec pour ses études en cinéma. Elle a poursuivi son parcours en psychologie à l’université, pour renouer ensuite avec son amour des arts en suivant plusieurs formations d’acteurs à Montréal, Vancouver et Los Angeles, ainsi qu’une formation intensive en Filmmaking à New-York.

Après une grosse prise de conscience concernant les impacts de l’agriculture animale sur la planète et des habitants, elle a entamé une transition vers un mode de vie plus écolo et est devenue une fervente défenderesse des droits des animaux. Elle a décidé d’allier sa passion pour les arts à ce mouvement qui l’anime. Son désir d’un monde plus juste l’a aussi motivé à faire tout en son pouvoir pour faire avancer plusieurs autres combats de justice sociale et environnementale. Elle a réalisé des courts-métrages et vidéos engagés qui façonnent son activisme, en plus d’oeuvrer en tant que scénariste, metteure en scène, animatrice, réalisatrice et actrice sur plusieurs autres projets.

Après sa participation à Occupation Double, Jessie a eu la chance d’obtenir une belle tribune et une communauté grandissante. Trouvant important d’utiliser cette nouvelle visibilité au profit des causes qui lui tiennent à coeur, elle a co-fondé l’entreprise « Végane, mais pas plate! » afin de rendre l’alimentation végétalienne plus accessible.

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Sustainable self-care for entrepreneurs

Justine Sones ( is a writer and stress management coach who loves drinking coffee, helping burnt-out humans set boundaries, and talking about things that hurt. During her career as a massage therapist, Justine’s practice was dedicated to exploring the roles that stress, pain, and relaxation play in healing the physical body. She came to realize that the support her clients needed required more than a massage, and made it her mission to help them. Justine now spends her time writing about feelings and coaching other over-functioning humans develop healthy boundaries and practice sustainable self-care as they navigate the messy intersections of partnering, parenting, -preneuring, and pandemicking.

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How two engineers teamed up to produce a better night’s sleep

Marty Furse has a BASc in Engineering Physics from UBC, was General Manager of International Business at Creo Inc (now Kodak), and subsequently co-founder and CEO of two successful high-tech imaging companies, QImaging Corp. and Prosilica Inc., both of which were sold to their leading competitors achieving excellent returns for investors. Marty’s broad experience includes strategic management, technology development, manufacturing, design, project management, sales and marketing, and international distribution.

Jason Elliott holds a BASc in Systems Engineering from the University of Waterloo and a MASc in Mechanical Engineering from UBC. Jason has extensive product development experience in various industries including fuel cell technology, laser optics, precision mechanics, and solar energy. He has worked many products from concept through manufacturing and sales. Jason also has many years’ experience managing large global product development and manufacturing teams to achieve challenging product delivery goals.

Perfectly Snug Inc. was founded November 18, 2018 to develop a product solution for people who experience temperature-related sleep problems. They developed an air-conditioned mattress topper that both cools and heats each side of the bed using smart sensors and controls to regulate sleep temperature. Their patent-pending Smart Topper is placed on top of the customer’s bed and is designed to preserve the underlying character of the bed (whether soft, or firm, etc.), and is provided with low voltage DC power to safely operate the fans and heaters embedded in the topper and controlled by either a smartphone app, or by manual controls located on the sides of the topper.

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Fitness World would love to see 50% more Canadians realize improved mental & bodily health

With over 20 years in the fitness industry, Chris Smith has watched the industry grow, becoming an essential part of peoples’ lives year after year.

Starting his career early in the fitness industry, Chris has been involved in the operations and logistics of many clubs — from sales to managing and everything in between. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health and Promotion from Portland State University, Chris has brought his passion, dedication and perseverance to many clubs throughout North America. Based in Vancouver, BC, Chris now acts as the Chief Executive Officer and President of Fitness World, leading the charge to launch 15 clubs across B.C. in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fitness finds its way into all aspects of Chris’ life — from his career to his personal life and staying active with his five kids in tow.

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Peter Verburg is bringing mobile medical services to Alberta and beyond!

Peter Verburg is founder and CEO of Numi Health, a mobile medical services company that is disrupting the way healthcare is delivered in Calgary, Edmonton and beyond – from COVID-19 testing to general wellness screening and more.

He has a storied background, having co-founded and directed public and private companies in pharmaceuticals, healthcare, energy & tourism. His interest in entrepreneurship started with small ventures as a side hobby, including a medical training company, an import-export company and a landscaping business.

While working on his MBA to complement his Philosophy degree, Peter was recruited at 35 by Canada’s top investment banker and received training in corporate finance while running multiple deals simultaneously for three years. Tired of the IB culture and wanting to get more involved in new company creation as an owner, Peter accepted an offer from one of the country’s most successful energy entrepreneurs to form a venture capital shop. Their first fundraiser kicked off just as the 2008 financial crisis hit. Plans to raise a big fund were dashed, so they closed on a small friends & family fund and used the capital to seed two energy companies. Peter serves as a director at both and an executive involved in running deals in one of them. Prior to the energy crash of 2014, they had a combined EV of around $1 B. Both survived the crash and are solid companies today.

Burned out by the crash, Peter some time off in 2016/17, travelled to South America. He came back with three ideas for new companies: an app to facilitate bike tours; a licensed medical cannabis company in Colombia; and a mobile medical company offering private-pay services via an app – hence, Numi Health was born. Numi kicked into high gear when it was obvious that COVID would be the mechanism to create the market. Peter was living in Madrid in early 2020 and spent the first lockdown there huddled in an apartment working on the platform. He brought together the Numi team through the summer, returning to Canada and launching Numi in October 2020.

Peter also has a background as a journalist. He was western bureau chief, investment editor and columnist at Canadian Business, where he reported extensively on Canadian companies with operations abroad. He is also passionate about philanthropy and volunteering – he helped launch the Veteran’s Transition Network nationally, was also a volunteer on the Distress Centre suicide help line, and a director of Wordfest. When he’s not launching companies, Peter is cyclist, yogi and foodie.

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Why tapping “intuition” is essential in business

Susheela Ramachandran is an intuitive channel who shifts people’s frequency through sound and play. Her mission is to help purpose-driven souls who want to make the world a better place awaken and embody their full power and self-expression. She channels angelic soul songs and facilitates creative play experiences that catapult people into the next level of their power and self-expression. She also is the co-host of the Revolutionary Woman Global Table at Revolutionary Woman – convening global conversations for women and girls shaping the future of the planet. Susheela currently resides in Vancouver, BC. To learn more about Susheela visit

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Tyler Crowdis brews cider for people with Celiac Disease

Tyler Crowdis and his wife started Bramble Cider to create ciders that were not available in Canada, due to his diagnosis with Celiac Disease. From the kitchen of their tiny century home, his crafts were gaining many fans through friends and family. Wanting to bring their innovative ciders to the masses, Alicia and Tyler are embarking on a journey to bring craft cider to Calgary and beyond. Inspiration comes from the growing West Coast cider scene to the funky ciders of Northern France and sours of Spain. You can find Bramble at SunnyCider taproom and all the cool places to get beers and spirits in town!

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Do you really know what chemicals are in the beauty products that you use?

Jasmine Marra is the founder of Gypsy+Jasmine a beauty company that has one singular mission; to craft earth inspired beauty products that make you feel pampered and beautiful without compromise. After having children, Jasmine took a keen interest in the ingredients of products that were entering her home as both of her young boys were experiencing terrible skin sensitivities and eczema. Eager to help her children get some relief, she spent hundreds of hours researching and understanding what ingredients were safe for her kids and family. This also allowed her to take a closer look at the ingredients in the products she was using on her own skin. She was shocked to learn about the preservatives, additives and harmful chemicals linked to disease, inflammation and hormone disruption that were found in almost every beauty product she put on her body. It seemed nearly impossible to purchase a beauty product that wasn’t loaded with fragrance or toxins at the everyday drug store. She walked through the aisles of beauty departments with this newfound knowledge, and knew she had to do something. That’s when she founded Gypsy+Jasmine.

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