Health and Wellness

Suzie Yorke, Founder of Love Good Fats, on the Shift from Executive to Entrepreneur

Suzie Yorke is on a mission to bring healthy fats back. A mom, eleven-time Ironman competitor and yoga enthusiast, Suzie spent years adhering to a low-fat diet only to hit a wall in her mid-40s. After reading Nina Teicholz’s best seller, Big Fat Surprise, she immediately shifted to a high-fat, low-carb diet, and felt better right away. While she loved the benefits of her new lifestyle, Suzie found it challenging to find convenient, good-fat snacks. Seeing a gap in the marketplace and a huge opportunity to help others through food, Suzie developed Love Good Fats, a company that produces high-fat, low-carb, and low-sugar products.

Today, Suzie leads Love Good Fats’ expansion as it quickly becomes one of the fastest-growing bar brands in North America. As a 30-year veteran of the CPG industry, Suzie has worked at high-profile companies such as Proctor & Gamble, PepsiCo, Kraft Heinz, Weight Watchers, and Zag. Utilizing her accomplished marketing background, personal journey, and deep devotion and passion for health, Suzie is on a mission to spread the word that fat is back, and sugar is out! Suzie was recognized by her peers and the community with the 2019 Mompreneur :registered: Start Up Award.

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Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Philip Bliss Interviews Christina Barbato, CEO and Co-Founder of SP Nutraceuticals Inc.

Christina Barbato is CEO and Co-Founder of SP Nutraceuembedticals Inc. SP was founded in 2016 to commercialize natural health products. SP Nutraceuticals is a research and development company taking naturally derived molecules discovered to help treat or prevent specific diseases from discovery to conception, development, patent protection, regulatory approval and clinical trials. We then look for companies best suited to partner or license our products for sale and distribution. The startup believes that there is a wealth of powerful agents in naturally derived sources, such as plants that can be used to prevent or treat diseases affecting the lives of Canadians. Before SP, Christina practiced law for eleven years, has an Honours Bachelor of Commerce and her LLB.

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Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Sylvie Bougie a eu la chance de s’entretenir avec Mériane Labrie de Madame Labriski! On y découvre une femme passionnée qui carbure au défi!

Sylvie Bougie a eu la chance de s’entretenir avec Mériane Labrie de Madame Labriski! On y découvre une femme passionnée qui carbure au défi! #entrepreneur #quebec #alimentation

Madame Labriski, c’est Mériane Labrie, la femme qui carbure à la purée de dattes. Entrepreneure visionnaire, elle est auteure de best-sellers culinaires et de romans jeunesse, conférencière en série, marathonienne, maman de 2 jeunes enfants et de la marque Madame Labriski inc., qui comprend aussi Mini Labriski.

Ses livres de recettes (plus de 200 000 exemplaires vendus au Québec) sont traduits en anglais et seront lancés en Europe en 2021. Elle présente des gammes de produits alimentaires sans sucre raffiné ajouté disponible dans plus de 300 points de vente et a la ferme ambition de faire évoluer l’industrie de l’alimentation. Lauréate de nombreux prix et distinctions, sa mission est de diminuer la consommation de sucre raffiné pour améliorer la santé…
Inspirée par les plus grandes histoires de réussite entrepreneuriale mondiales, elle a décidé ne pas rêver sa vie, mais de faire de sa vie un grand rêve. C’est les deux pieds sur Terre et la tête dans les nuages qu’elle avance telle une marathonienne infatigable dans sa grande quête de changer le monde, une bouchée de purée de dattes à la fois.

Amoureuse des marques inspirantes (elle a été conceptrice-rédactrice et stratège publicitaire avant de devenir la Madame), son but ultime est de faire de Madame Labriski inc. une marque assez forte et puissante pour pouvoir, un jour, propulser fièrement des athlètes québécois et canadiens aux Jeux Olympiques.

Carburez-vous aux Labriski?

Mériane est aussi co-fondatrice de 21 grammes – Agence d’idéation.

Merci à Ebay, notre partenaire financier Allez au

Les entrepreneurs sont la colonne vertébrale de l’économie canadienne. Pour supporter les entreprises canadiennes, souscrivez à notre chaine Youtube et suivez nous sur Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn et Twitter.

Sarah Saffari is a Fitness Entrepreneur, Business Coach, Health Scientist, and a Sales & Marketing Ninja

Sarah Saffari is a fitness entrepreneur, business coach, Health Scientist, and a sales and marketing ninja. As a coach and CEO, Sarah is driven by the conviction that each of us has the potential for greatness and limitless capabilities to create the lives we desire. After 10 years in the fitness industry, she has helped over 5000 men and women transform their health and reclaim their life. She has built a multi-6 figure fitness company using her unique High Ticket framework to achieve consistent results.

She continues to spread her message by helping online entrepreneurs move from struggling to thriving using her 10k per month CEOwned Framework. In her easy-to-understand and compassionate style, she uses neuroscience principles to remove mental barriers and increase business results for her students.

Visit by August 22nd.

Dr. Eli Rosenberg is the Founder and Medical Director of Pulse Fit Rx, a New Fitness Facility Dedicated to People with Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Risk

Dr. Eli Rosenberg is the founder and medical director of Pulse Fit Rx, a new fitness facility dedicated to people with heart disease and cardiovascular risk. A cardiologist with an entrepreneurial spirit, Rosenberg is putting exercise and diet at the centre of heart care – providing a unique, highly personalized program for people to maintain their optimal health in a safe, accessible and enjoyable way.

Visit by August 22nd.

Molly Sanders Talks About Her Highly Effective, Results-Driven, 100% Online Wellness Programs

As someone who binge ate for years…I know what frustration, resignation, and guilt around food feels like. As someone who overcame binge eating, I know what it’s like on the other side of that. Binge eating may not be your thing, but everyone has something they can’t quite handle about their health and nutrition. Now, I’m on a mission to change the global state of health from sick-care to health-care: where we spend more time tending to our health vs. managing our illness.

Combining her holistic training and years working in content, publishing, and online education, Molly Sanders has created highly effective, results-driven, 100% online wellness programs. She has helped thousands of people look past what they put in their mouths and to get real (pun intended) about what it takes to truly heal and make changes that last.

Molly graduated with honors from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in 2015. She also holds a dual B.A. in Literature and Modern Languages from Kansas State University. Molly has been featured on the cover of Future Female Magazine, in Thrive Magazine, quoted in Fashion Magazine, and been a guest on That Badass Podcast among others.

Learn more at

Visit by August 22nd.

Christine Hall Discusses How Traumas of Childhood, COVID & Racial Tensions are Creating an Impact

Transitioning from in-person practitioner visits to online sessions has been presently surprising. As a specialist in trauma & couples counselling, Christine Hall ( shares her insights on being an independent practitioner in BC, and how traumas of childhood, COVID and racial tensions are creating an impact.

Christine embraces a holistic and collaborative approach to working with others, respecting that successful therapy honours the values and beliefs of each client. She believes that distress and pain are often the foundations that strength, meaningfulness, and wisdom are built upon. She brings a wealth of specialized training in Relational & Developmental Trauma, Somatic Therapies, EMDR, Couples Counselling, Strengthening Family Systems, Adolescent Issues, Substance Abuse Treatment, Existential Issues (finding meaning and living more fully), LGBTQ+ Issues, The Impacts of Colonization (First Nations sensitivities), and Working with Shame to her work with clients. Christine is a trained Mindfulness Self-Compassion Facilitator and embody a compassionate lens to life and to therapy work. She loves art, travel, culture, and is a fierce social justice advocate.

Interview with Lori Desjardine, Co-Owner and Occupational Therapist at Pillars of Wellness

Lori Desjardine is the co-owner and Occupational Therapist at Pillars of Wellness – a family owned integrated care centre in Burlington ON. Lori completed her undergraduate degree in Health Sciences at the University of Western Ontario, graduating with Honours. She then continued her academic journey and completed her Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy at the University of Toronto.

Throughout her carrier as an Occupational Therapist she worked in several different healthcare environments, with her role ranging from front line care, to supervising, mentoring and teaching. She started her first company in 2013 – Desjardine Rehabilitation, and then further expanded to opening Pillars of Wellness with her husband in 2018. Lori has spend the majority of her career focusing on complex trauma, neurological disorders, brain injuries, and mental health challenges.

Having worked within a variety of healthcare settings and observed the strengths and weaknesses within the various medical/rehabilitation disciplines, Lori was inspired to create a care centre that would serve as a bridge in addressing a very noticeable gap in service.

Lori’s vision is to provide truly integrated healthcare services to all clients. While her primary focus is to maximize health, she strongly advocates partnership and knowledge exchange to empower people to manage their own health and make sound care choices. Lori believes that in combination with best practices, coordinated and seamless care, in conjunction with the latest technologies, we can provide clients with the most sound assessments and treatments available; thereby allowing people to maximize quality of life.

Spencer Waugh, CEO of AceAge, Discusses Healthcare Technology Designed to Ease the Aging Process and Improve Health Outcomes

Spencer Waugh is the CEO of AceAge, a healthcare technology company creating intuitive products to ease the aging process and improve health outcomes. AceAge’s product Karie is a personal health companion that organizes, schedules, and dispenses pills with easy on-button control. Karie was designed to make medication management as simple as possible to ensure user independence and provide caregivers with peace of mind.

Spencer’s background lies in pharma, healthcare technology, and investment industries. He completed his Bachelor’s Degree in International Commerce & Global Development and attended The Bremen University of Applied Sciences for International Economics.

In 2016, he was awarded with SmartStart from Ontario Centres of Excellence and with Fuel Injection from Innovation Guelph. Waugh has spoken at a number of Healthcare-Tech conferences including Healthkick, Aging 2.0, MedEdge and Apps4Health.

Rebecca Rochon Discusses the Trends in Industries That Pivot & Pilot Creative Serve During COVID-19

Food, wellness & personal beauty care is essential Five years ago, Rebecca Rochon founded Pivot & Pilot Creative, a boutique design agency in Vancouver that specializes in branding, packaging design, advertising, and website creation. Pivot & Pilot helps clients in the food, beauty and wellness space capitalize on their first impression. Aside from running her agency, Rebecca is actively involved in the business community in Canada and leads talks and workshops frequently. Pivot & Pilot runs a quarterly “Conversations” panel where Rebecca hosts a conversational interview with business leaders in Vancouver. Some past topics include “Launching Your Brand with Kickstarter”, “Working Creatives: Making Creative Your Full-Time” and “Ecommerce vs Brick and Mortar”. She also hosts Pivot & Pilot’s YouTube channel where she interviews experts and speaks about the way design influences consumer behaviour. In her spare time she’s on stage doing stand up comedy, at an art gallery or dancing with her dog, Bernie.