
The Secret to Longevity in the food service industry with Stone Yu

Stone Yu is the CEO of Lucullus Bakery, a family-owned business currently operating 3 locations in the Greater Toronto Area. At 25 years old, he represents an exciting new generation of leadership in the food service industry.

The young entrepreneur has dedicated much of his life to the Lucullus brand. A child of Chinese immigrant parents, Stone grew up in Richmond Hill and spent most of his after-school hours studying the ins and out of the family bakery. He learned budgeting and inventory management from his parents, and recipe development and baking methods from the amazingly talented Hong Kong chefs his family employed. In 2016 at just 21 years old, Stone entered into Food Network Canada’s Doughnut challenge and won, proving his years of experience in the kitchen were paying off. At 22 he enrolled in a culinary program at Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute where he spent 6 months honing his craft before returning to work for Lucullus.

Stone’s vision, creative spirit, and tenacious pursuit of excellence in all areas of the business have propelled the brand forward in a big way. Lucullus opened its first location in 1990, closely followed by the 2rd location in 1991 in Richmond Hill. Lucullus has recently been expanding, opening its 3rd location in downtown Markham in 2017 and has plans for two locations in 2021. The idea of franchising the business has always been on the table (not far from the pineapple buns). After years of planning, in October of 2020 the company bought 2.3 acres in Scarborough to build its head office and production facility. Lucullus will now offer franchise opportunities.

Stone attributes the bakery’s 30-year success to its high standards for quality ingredients, artistic detail, and traditional baking techniques. Lucullus offers simple, classic Asian food and drink items that feel nostalgic and gourmet at the same time, appealing to both older and younger generations in the communities they serve. The bakery team takes pride in every product they offer and are always looking for ways to improve their menu selection. New recipes are regularly rotated into the mix alongside classic favourites.

Stone is enthusiastic about the growth of the business but is keen to keep the quality of the product and essence of the brand intact. His goal in the next 5 years is to open 30 new locations, with each individual franchisee running their store like their own family business.

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Self-confidence is making a commitment to yourself and following it through

Jacqueline Frederick truly believes life is a gift every day. Her goal in life is to always live, laugh, love, and fulfill her plan and purpose. As a personal trainer, she saw the struggle as her clients tried to achieve their goals but experienced setbacks and failures through a lack of self-esteem and confidence – the very same issues she had struggled to overcome herself. Believing that she was not smart or capable enough kept her confidence low and her achievements minimal. Finding the strength to have confidence in herself was a game-changer; she learned that she can trust herself and that she can do anything. Now, she shares that same experience with her clients.

I show them that self-confidence is making a commitment to yourself and following it through. By creating a safe space for being vulnerable, I help my clients shed the weight of other people’s expectations, their own fears and stand with them every step of the way as they power through to their goals.

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Connect to purpose, be curious and find a community

Carolyn Cooper-McOuatt brings a deep passion and purpose to nurture, guide and lead each person to their unlimited human potential and to build the business they have always dreamed it to be. She has been learning and leading people to “Live above the Line” for more than 3 decades. The focus is to build a positive business future with a crystal-clear vision, meaningful direction, purpose and plans of action as well as experiencing a community of support. Through her Grand Connection meaningful mastermind groups and inspired business planning programs, people transform their businesses and become the leaders they are meant to be, set strategic goals, take bigger risks, and have a community to celebrate their wins!

She brings a spirit of energy that is contagious, uplifting, and inspiring.

Carolyn was the captain of her cheerleading team in high school and continues her mission to lead by contributing to business owners as an advocate, mentor, cheerleader and sounding board to support them to move and grow towards their Grand Potential.

Her commitment is to always be curious, open-minded and intentional in life and business and go after her Grand adventures.

Carolyn feels honored and blessed to be the Co-Founder of the Grand Connection virtual networking community along with Susan Jarema. She knows it is their true calling to create the place and the space for businesses from around the globe to have the Grand Connections, create new opportunities, and collaborate to grow together and impact the world in meaningful ways.

Carolyn is grateful to live in beautiful Kelowna British Columbia where each morning she appreciates hiking her dog Tucker and enjoying her yoga.

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La bonne communication… un des conseils de Olivier Caré-ActionCoach Québec!

Passionné par l’aviation depuis son plus jeune âge, Olivier Caré a suivi des études d’ingénieur en mécanique aéronautique mais son goût pour l’entrepreneuriat et les technologies de l’information l’ont conduit sur une autre voie.

Ces 25 dernières années, il a donc évolué dans ce domaine, tout d’abord comme Directeur Technique Associé, puis dirigeant d’une entreprise spécialisée dans les Services informatiques pour les PME en France. Le développement de cette structure lui a permis de vivre plusieurs projets d’acquisition, fusion et cession dans un contexte international.

En 2014, il quitte la France pour le Québec afin de rejoindre l’équipe TI d’un grand groupe financier Canadien. Ayant occupé différentes fonctions de gestion dont celle de Directeur de la Sécurité de l’Information, et désireux de lancer un nouveau projet en tant qu’entrepreneur, il quitte le groupe en 2019 pour créer sa structure spécialisée dans l’accompagnement des dirigeants d’entreprises en s’appuyant sur une franchise déployée dans plus de 80 pays (ActionCOACH).

Sa priorité pour la suite de sa carrière est d’associer recherche de sens, respect de ses valeurs et actions en contribuant au développement de l’entreprenariat au sein de sa communauté. On le décrit comme étant rigoureux, professionnel, humain, loyal, curieux, et doté d’une forte capacité d’adaptation.

Marié et père de deux adolescents de 16 ans et 18 ans, il saisit toute l’importance d’avoir un équilibre entre sa vie professionnelle et personnelle.

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Judy Riege is coaching and training everyone from students to athletes to CEOs – Calgary – Canada’s Podcast

Judy Riege of Connected Leaders does coaching and training with everyone from students to athletes to CEOs. She’s basically the Brene Brown of Canada. She’s amazing at addressing some of the challenges business leaders have been facing through the pandemic and how to lead through adversity. She’s articulate and well-spoken. Truly inspiring!

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The power of philanthropy, civic responsibility, public service & the promotion of multiculturalism

Muraly Srinarayanathas is the Executive Chairman of 369 Global Inc., a rapidly growing business conglomerate based in Toronto with interests in education and training, financial services, creative and entertainment, venture capital, and more. Having lived and worked in North America, Europe, South Asia, and Southeast Asia for over 25 years, Muraly possesses not only a strong business acumen but also a unique global perspective and the ability to bring together diverse groups of people around a common goal, which he has termed “The Maestro Mindset”.

Muraly is a strong believer in the power of philanthropy. Ever since he launched his first social purpose business under the guidance of Dr. Muhammad Yunus, the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Muraly has continued to harness his networks to create social change. Inspired by nearly a century-old tradition of philanthropy that first began with his grand-uncle in Jaffna, Sri Lanka and continued with his father, Muraly also oversees the Srinarayanathas Foundation, which supports a wide variety of causes in education, health, and economic empowerment – both in Canada and around the world.

Muraly has a B.A. from the University of Manitoba, an M.B.A. from Southeast University (Bangladesh), an LL.M. from the University of Toronto, and has studied Digital Strategy at the Harvard Business School. In 2017, the Canadian Board Diversity Council named Muraly in its Diversity50 cohort as individuals with the greatest potential to impact Canada’s corporate boards and improve global competitiveness.

Muraly firmly believes in civic responsibility, public service, and the promotion of Canadian multiculturalism. Married with two children, Muraly hopes to build a strong future for his family and community; one where young Canadians (and new Canadians) can fulfill their goals and dreams together.

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Journalism and storytelling with Elisa Birnbaum

A journalist for over 15 years, Elisa Birnbaum has carved a strong niche as a storyteller of social impact. Most recently the author of In the Business of Change, profiling social entrepreneurs around the world and their lessons learned, Elisa is the publisher & editor-in-chief of SEE Change Magazine, a digital publication of social entrepreneurship that she co-founded over eight years ago – and currently hosts its podcast.

Elisa has been a regular columnist on matters of social entrepreneurship for a national newspaper in Canada, the National Post and has been published in the Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, Reuters, Zoomer, Elle Magazine, among other publications. Elisa also works as a communications consultant, helping businesses tell their stories more effectively for greater impact.

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How One Entrepreneur Has Been Supporting the Canadian Food Industry

Ted Grant was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the son of a “gourmet cook.” Educated at Dalhousie University, Holland College, University of Prince Edward Island, and the Stratford Chefs School, he spent eight years working as a chef in Calgary, London, New York and Toronto. Ted left the professional kitchen to teach at the Culinary Institute of Canada for three years, and while in Charlottetown he joined the product development arm known as Canada’s Smartest Kitchen. He became a leading expert in developing products for the Atlantic Canadian seafood industry, representing brands on missions to Asia, Europe, and throughout North America. Ted’s passion for Nova Scotia and education brought him home to complete his Masters in Education in 2013 and join the Nova Scotia Community College as Director of Hospitality Programming. In 2016, Ted left the college to join Truleaf Plant Science and GoodLeaf Farms as Chief Product Officer. In 2018, he could not resist the opportunity to create his own entrepreneurial dream, co-founding VIVEAU, which works with local farmers in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia to create the perfect balance between fruit and water.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Navigating a merger in a pandemic, & other entrepreneurial lessons with Ownr Co-Founder Shadi McIsaac

Shadi McIsaac is the CEO and Co-Founder of Ownr, an RBC Ventures company that offers a simple and convenient way to register or incorporate a business as well as other tools to help entrepreneurs manage their businesses.

As a daughter of immigrant parents, Shadi saw firsthand how entrepreneurship can give Canadians the opportunity to shape their lives and provide for their families and wanted to build a platform that makes it easy to start. Now, Ownr is the largest platform for incorporating businesses in Canada, with 35,000 new corporations and sole proprietorships who have used the platform to launch and grow their business.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Forger sa vie entrepreneuriale et contribuer à la croissance des entreprises et des individus

Visage bien connu de la scène numérique québécoise, Charlie Fernandez s’est notamment illustré en tant que directeur des communications du Web à Québec, plus grand événement numérique francophone en Amérique.

Depuis 2017, Charlie se consacre au développement de Studio Réverbère, première agence spécialisée sur Instagram au Canada dont il est le Président et le cofondateur.

Formateur et conférencier avec plus de 100 activités à son actif, Charlie est également l’auteur d’Instagram sans filtre, ouvrage marketing le plus complet publié à ce jour au sujet de ce réseau social.

Entrepreneur, Charlie est également impliqué dans sa communauté puisqu’il agit à titre de mentor pour le réseau Femmessor, mais également à titre d’ambassadeur pour l’entrepreneuriat québécois dans le cadre de la mission économique France 2020 organisée par le Réseau M.

Enfin, Charlie est détenteur d’un baccalauréat en administration des affaires de la London South Bank University et d’une maîtrise en administration des affaires de l’IDRAC Business School dont il est l’ambassadeur au Canada.

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