
Robert Price

Robert Price is one of the founders and the CEO of Bōde, a new peer-to-peer real estate platform that just launched in Alberta. Previously, Robert was a senior executive at Alberta telecom disruptor Axia, which brought high performing low-cost fiber infrastructure to customers in Alberta, the US, France and Singapore. Robert thrives in leading high performing teams who deliver amazing customer experiences and meet critical revenue objectives. With Bōde, he’s brought together an all-star team, including his father and sister, that is shaking up the real estate industry like never before.

Gabriel Musso

Gabriel Musso is the Chief Science Officer at BioSymetrics Inc., which applies technology and machine learning to improve drug discovery & research, improve diagnostics & precision medicine and improve institutional operations and efficiency.

Rakesh Soni

As CEO and Co-Founder of LoginRadiusRakesh Soni has raised over $20 million for the company and built it into a leader in Digital Identity, securing over 1 billion user identities worldwide.

Mike Gaspar

Mike Gaspar is Co-Founder and COO of HealthCasa Ltd., which connects orthotic and podiatry practitioners with people that require a home appointment. It’s the only on-demand service that allows people to book an appointment online with a practitioner of their choice, at a location of their choice, and on a day and time that is most convenient for them.

Adrian Moise

Adrian Moise is CEO & Founder of Aequilibrium – a Vancouver-based digital product development and design studio dedicated to combining an intuitive interface design with carefully crafted code, leading to an unforgetting customer experience.

Géraldine Jippé

Géraldine Jippé ( est une serial entrepreneure née à Paris et basée à Montréal depuis 11 ans. Spécialiste du digital et passionnée par les nouvelles technologies et le e-commerce, Géraldine co-fonde Watergeeks, une startup cleantech, qui associe économie circulaire, environnement et Intelligence Artificielle pour développer une place de marché de revalorisation des équipements industriels au sein de l’industrie 4.0 et plus particulièrement dans le secteur du traitement de l’eau.

Fière gagnante du Coopérathon Canada 2018, Géraldine et son équipe remporte le Grand Prix du Coopérathon, le Prix Hydro Québec et le prix de la Fondation Suzuki. Elle élargit ses horizons entrepreneuriaux au sein d’incubateurs de renom comme le Centech (ETS), l’École des Entrepreneurs du Québec et NextAi (École de Dirigeants – HEC Montréal).

Grâce à sa maîtrise en Gestion et Marketing de Y-School ( Ex-Groupe Esc Troyes, France) et des cours suivis à l’université McGill (Montréal) en marketing numérique, Géraldine acquiert des bases solides en administration des affaires, en gestion et marketing digital.

Très engagée, Géraldine est très active auprès de la communauté entrepreneuriale montréalaise à titre de bénévole d’affaires, auprès de l’association des Femmes d’Atta, et à titre de mentor au sein de AquaHacking.

Laura McKay

Laura McKay is the co-founder of PolicyMe, which is on a mission to make insurance simpler and cheaper for everyone who needs it. Laura’s a math nerd with a math degree from University of Waterloo with an actuarial focus. Not surprisingly, PolicyMe has developed proprietary life insurance algorithms that are designed to recommend the best life insurance product for you. But Laura’s real passion, after a four year career working with a high profile consulting group in New York city, is to improve financial literacy, put an end to the industry practice of up selling / overprotecting and reduce frictional costs in the existing value chain.

Michael Buhr

Michael Buhr is the President and CEO of Filld, the last mile mobile fueling company that delivers fuel to vehicles so drivers and fleets never have to stop for gas again. Previously, he was the President and Co-CEO of Zerve, and has business and product experience at Apple, Adobe, and Palm. Michael holds a degree in Engineering from Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada.

Raghwa Gopal

A serial entrepreneur with extensive experience starting, growing & selling businesses, Raghwa Gopal is one of the most recognizable names in BC’s tech sector. In addition to his current role as President + CEO of Innovate BC, he’s a member of the Emerging Economy Task Force, the former CEO of Accelerate Okanagan, and started Kelowna’s first ever tech company.

Derick Hsieh

Derick Hsieh is the Product Manager of Liv.Rent. A serial entrepreneur, he had several start up engagements under his belt prior to this, performing a variety of roles including consulting on agile development and building biomedical solutions.

He specialized in human computer interaction for biomedical applications – technologies that facilitate touchless interactions with medical imaging technology in surgical settings – think Minority Report.

A curious software engineer at heart, Derick’s interest in emerging technologies and innovative user experiences lead him to join Liv, build a team, create and oversee the product from inception to launch this summer.