
Jean-Michel Lebeau est VP de nventive – Podcast québécois avec l’animatrice Sylvie Bougie

Entrepreneur et visionnaire technologique, Jean-Michel Lebeau se motive jour après jour à trouver comment repousser les limites du possible à travers la créativité et l’innovation. Fondateur de Cortex en 2009, il occupe désormais le poste de VP Exécutif chez nventive ; une firme de développement multiplateforme et de conseil en transformation numérique qui dispose d’un campus à Québec et à Montréal. Le jeune exécutif de 32 ans gravite dans l’industrie technologique depuis plus de 15 ans, ayant livré plusieurs centaines de projets numériques à travers le monde. Son parcours impressionnant d’entrepreneur à succès lui a valu d’être couronné « Jeune Personnalité d’affaires » en technologies par la JCCQ et « 30 Sous 30 » par Les Affaires et Infopresse. L’entrepreneur fasciné par la création d’impact cherche toujours à se perfectionner tout en essayant, lentement mais sûrement, de bâtir un monde meilleur.

Spencer Waugh, CEO of AceAge, Discusses Healthcare Technology Designed to Ease the Aging Process and Improve Health Outcomes

Spencer Waugh is the CEO of AceAge, a healthcare technology company creating intuitive products to ease the aging process and improve health outcomes. AceAge’s product Karie is a personal health companion that organizes, schedules, and dispenses pills with easy on-button control. Karie was designed to make medication management as simple as possible to ensure user independence and provide caregivers with peace of mind.

Spencer’s background lies in pharma, healthcare technology, and investment industries. He completed his Bachelor’s Degree in International Commerce & Global Development and attended The Bremen University of Applied Sciences for International Economics.

In 2016, he was awarded with SmartStart from Ontario Centres of Excellence and with Fuel Injection from Innovation Guelph. Waugh has spoken at a number of Healthcare-Tech conferences including Healthkick, Aging 2.0, MedEdge and Apps4Health.

Francois Lambert, ancien Dragon et fondateur du site

Entrepreneur à succès, François Lambert a cofondé le plus important centre d’appels au Canada, Atelka, ainsi qu’une entreprise technologique présente dans 75 pays, Aheeva. Il a investi dans plus d’une dizaine d’entreprises en carrière, dont Boostmi, une application d’assistance routière, nGUVU, une plateforme de mobilisation pour employés, les sous-vêtements UNDZ, Acier Saint-Jérôme et divers projets immobiliers. Il a lancé en décembre 2018 sa propre boutique en ligne,, afin d’y vendre les produits provenant de son érablière et quelques-uns issus de ses autres entreprises. Fort du succès rencontré, il offre depuis une plateforme de visibilité à des entrepreneurs Québécois en vendant leurs produits sur son site.

Connu du grand public lors de sa participation remarquée à l’émission Dans l’œil du dragon à Radio-Canada, François Lambert est l’auteur de deux livres sur l’entrepreneuriat, À prendre ou à laisser (réédité en 2019) et L’entrepreneuriat, c’est difficile. Point. (traduit en anglais en 2019), dans lesquels il transmet sa passion pour les affaires et déconstruit des mythes persistants sur l’entrepreneuriat. Il a aussi écrit Qu’est-ce que j’en pense ? (2018), un livre d’opinion où il offre son avis sans détour sur 30 enjeux québécois d’actualité.

En conférence, il dévoile sans réserve et avec humour ses bons comme ses mauvais coups, révélant du même souffle les hauts et les bas de la vie en affaires. Avec le franc-parler qui a fait sa renommée, il partage son histoire inspirante et transmet aux participants le goût de prendre action aujourd’hui afin de poursuivre leurs rêves, que ce soit dans leur vie professionnelle ou personnelle.

Grand sportif, il a réalisé quatre marathons, fait cinq années d’entraînement en triathlon et participé au CEO Endurance World Championship en 2012. Encore aujourd’hui, il maintient un rythme d’activité physique d’au minimum une à trois heures par jour.

François partage son temps entre Montréal et sa terre de 600 acres en Outaouais où il cultive du maïs, du soja et de l’avoine, en plus de produire du sirop d’érable et du miel. Il y élève également quelques poules, lapins et moutons, notamment.

François Lambert détient un baccalauréat en sciences comptables de l’Université du Québec en Outaouais.

Bonnie Lewtas’ TurtlCo is Helping “Hotels” Restructure as Local Essential Infrastructure

Bonnie Lewtas helps islands around the world become self-sufficient and resilient against climate change. She specializes on innovative energy, waste, water, food, and conservation solutions for hospitality. Her work has taken her to many different islands like BVI, Grenada, Dominica, Barbados, Antigua, Azores, Madeira, Sicily, Swedish Islands, Dutch Islands and more. Through her company TurtlCo, Bonnie works with the government of Friesland on the EU-Interreg Islands of Innovation project and several other organizations that support island sustainability. TurtlCo recently partnered with Island Growers to bring the first-ever hurricane-resistant hydroponic greenhouses to Caribbean resorts.

Bonnie is a contributor for “The Tipping Guide: Strategies for creative local & regional innovation policies aimed at organizing “probing and learning” projects and programs for the future pathways of islands”. The Guide can be used to compare the status quo with a desired future “the dream”, create a new or revised policy program with a focus on engagement-oriented projects; and build innovation and teams to develop multi-sector action plans on topics like energy, water, transport, agriculture, circular economy, tourism, emerging technology, and more. You can download the guide at

Jim Estill, President and CEO of Danby Appliances, Discusses the Appliance Industry and Dealing with the Unknown as an Entrepreneur During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jim Estill is currently CEO of both Danby Appliances and ShipperBee.

Danby Appliances manufactures and distributes over 2,000,000 appliances per year, such as bar fridges, freezers and microwaves. Danby is being transformed by their newest product Parcel Guard– a smart mailbox for consumers that stops parcel theft.

ShipperBee is a new venture that is ready to revamp outdated shipping channels into a system that is better for consumers, retailers and the environment.

Jim started a computer distribution business from the trunk of his car while in university. He grew that business to $2 Billion in sales.

Jim has invested in, mentored and advised many technology companies including Blackberry. He joined their board before they went public and served for 13 years.

Over the past few years, Jim Estill has been involved in sponsorship efforts to settle refugee families in Guelph. The Financial Times, BBC News, The Guardian, and Toronto Life have all covered his story.

Jim’s most recent endeavour is as Co-founder of Ventilators for Canadians, (V4C) a growing team of philanthropists and entrepreneurs who have come together to find solutions to help Canadians through the COVID-19 health emergency.

Jim was awarded the Order of Ontario, the provinces highest honour, in 2017. He was Entrepreneur of the Year 2019 Ontario and has been awarded an Everyday Heroes Award by the Global Hope Coalition. In 2018 Jim Estill was awarded the Order of Canada. Jim lives in Guelph Ontario.

Rebecca Rochon Discusses the Trends in Industries That Pivot & Pilot Creative Serve During COVID-19

Food, wellness & personal beauty care is essential Five years ago, Rebecca Rochon founded Pivot & Pilot Creative, a boutique design agency in Vancouver that specializes in branding, packaging design, advertising, and website creation. Pivot & Pilot helps clients in the food, beauty and wellness space capitalize on their first impression. Aside from running her agency, Rebecca is actively involved in the business community in Canada and leads talks and workshops frequently. Pivot & Pilot runs a quarterly “Conversations” panel where Rebecca hosts a conversational interview with business leaders in Vancouver. Some past topics include “Launching Your Brand with Kickstarter”, “Working Creatives: Making Creative Your Full-Time” and “Ecommerce vs Brick and Mortar”. She also hosts Pivot & Pilot’s YouTube channel where she interviews experts and speaks about the way design influences consumer behaviour. In her spare time she’s on stage doing stand up comedy, at an art gallery or dancing with her dog, Bernie.

Ryan Petrimoulx Discusses E-Commerce & Working with Retailers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ryan Petrimoulx is the founder & principal at Bang the Drum, a boutique retail agency focusing on Retail, e-commerce and Growth Marketing.

After having worked his way up from the front lines of the Retail sector since 2004, Ryan’s path has brought him through every aspect of the Retail industry, eventually leading him to begin working in Retail e-commerce in 2008.

Founding his agency in 2013, Ryan has focused on working with both SMEs and Enterprise retailers who are looking to grow customers, build relationships, increase revenues & profitability.

Francis Drolet

Diplômé en communication graphique de l’Université Laval, Francis Drolet est un entrepreneur en série. Il a fondé Click Contact en 2003, et est également le cofondateur de l’entreprise Slow Cow, qui distribue à l’international la boisson relaxante du même nom. Débordant d’énergie et d’idées, Francis Drolet est un leader naturel, mais surtout un créateur de génie depuis plus de quinze ans. Il exploite son talent au sein de l’entreprise Yankee Média dont il est le cofondateur.

Meti Basiri, CMO of ApplyBoard, Discusses How He’s Grown His Company During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Coming to Canada from Iran for post secondary studies, Meti Basiri, Co-Founder and CMO of ApplyBoard, Massi, and their eldest brother Martin, experienced the challenges international students face trying to access education. ApplyBoard was founded—out of these shared experiences—to streamline the student application process. Meti and Massi were recently featured on three Forbes Top 30 Under 30 Lists. Since ApplyBoard’s founding in 2015, the staff has grown to nearly 400, raised CAD $172 Million and last year were named Canada’s fastest-growing technology company by Deloitte. They have helped over 100,000 students around the world with their academic journey, and have grown to become the world’s largest platform for international student recruitment to Canada, The United Kingdom, and The United States.