
Eric Vardon is Co-Founder and CEO of, an AI Tech Entrepreneur, C-Suite Exec and Advisor for a Wide Variety of Industries

Eric Vardon is a AI Tech Entrepreneur (, C-Suite Executive and Advisor with more than 20 years of success in marketing, sports, advertising, cannabis, health and wellness, fitness, luxury, fashion, beauty, technology, and digital industries. Leveraging extensive experience in business development and start-ups, Eric’s broad areas of expertise include brand development, digital strategy, communications, entrepreneurship, leadership, and growth.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Carl Fransen is Proof of Concept That Leveraging Cloud Technology is the Future & Encourages Other CEO’s to Embrace Working from Anywhere

Carl Fransen is CEO, Entrepreneur, System Architect, Public Speaker, Author and World Traveler with over 22 years of progressive business and IT experience.

His passion is to make his mark on the world in a positive and lasting way. Carl wants to set an example for his son, that he can compete with integrity in today’s world, be very successful, and leave the world a better place.

Combining his technical/business based education with a long career steadily progressing up the corporate ladder, he decided to build a company that held true to his values. So, he founded and designed the next generation of IT support firm: CTECH Consulting Group Inc. CTECH is a completely automated, cloud based IT company designed to compete against any other IT firm without the overhead. They promote a life style to all our staff where they can work any where, at any time, access any information, on any device that is relevant to their job and collaborate with anyone they want to.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Nathen Mazri is the World’s Youngest Garfield Licensee, Founder of GarfieldEATS and is Launching Entertainment E-Commerce Site Egeez

Toronto-based entrepreneur and the world’s youngest Garfield licensee and founder of GarfieldEATSNathen Mazri along with corporate partner, Pascal Haider are scheduled to launch Egeez, the first tech-driven, entergaging (Entertaining + Engaging) e-commerce site dedicated to connecting fans with global entertainment brands and their collectable merchandise and food globally before Christmas 2020. Ranging from comics, celebrities, cartoons, entertainment merchandise or food are all provided for fans and geolocated targeted based on the city they live in. Egeez in onboarding licensees of major studios and licensors such as Nickelodeon, 20th Century Fox, Walt Disney, Warner Brothers, WWE, Endamol Shine, Smurfs and even Penguin Random House licensed books and many more to come.

Ai technology, the Egeez website and database predicts fans IP statistics per their region to showcase the best products surrounding them to help support licensors’ overstock departments, along with meeting targeted sales and connecting consumers with their favourite products. With industries such as Mobile eCommerce, box office revenues, retail sales and a digital shopping increase of 40 percent, brands and retainers from around the world can look to corner a nice market with Egeez’s as their online provider and connector to fans globally. When Egeez launches before Christmas 2020, fans can log into the marketplace by going to or download the app in Google Play or the Apple Store to browse Egeez’s online shops from all their favourite entertainment brands globally. Egeez is a proud member of Licensing International, supporting us to onboard licensees and licensors given their 35 years of network with WWE, Warner Bros, Walt Disney, and many more. Egeez’s has initially created an online platform for entertainment brands to ‘onboard’ their overstock, whether they’re a manufacturer, distributor, retailer, restaurant or entrepreneur, as Egeez’s is providing companies the opportunity to join the marketplace before the official launch. Egeez’s have Happiness Account Managers in every continent today onboarding official licensed products around the clock from North America to India, Europe, Asia and Middle East. As for licensees, Egeez will support their digital sales strategy during this pandemic especially and help them impress their licensor with shining quarterly royalty reports.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Amanda Munday is Founder & CEO of The Workaround and Author of Her Memoir Day Nine: A Postpartum Depression Memoir

Amanda Munday is the founder and CEO of The Workaround and author of the best selling memoir Day Nine: a postpartum depression memoir. She advocates for childcare at all orders of government, and sits on the Board of Directors for Creative Preschool of East Toronto and the Danforth Mosaic Business Improvement Area. She also is a speaker in the upcoming TedX Toronto 2020 series: Uncharted.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Tugreofia Smith, VP of Operations at A&T Ascension Consulting (ATAC), a Virtual Staffing Company

Tugreofia (Tugs) Smith is the Vice President of Operations at A&T Ascension Consulting (ATAC), a virtual staffing company she co-founded with her husband Adrian, where she manages hundreds of remote workers across North America. Having successfully led virtual teams for over 10 years, she is passionate about the opportunities that remote work provides to individuals, rural communities, and evolving businesses. As the mother of five children, Tugs fully appreciates the challenge of balancing work and family. Part of her mission is to offer better work-life balance to thousands of working moms throughout the country. Tugs is based in the Toronto area.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Dave Brown is Founder/CEO of QiiQ Healthcare, Focused on the Operational Dysfunction in Hospitals

Dave Brown is an engineer/entrepreneur who emphasizes the centrality of HUMAN-centered DESIGN in the success of any product enterprise. He is currently the Founder/CEO of QiiQ Healthcare, focused on the operational dysfunction in hospitals. QiiQ (“Quick”) is building a sophisticated virtual assistant for hospital staff. The healthcare industry has systemically installed barriers to innovation that keep it in the “dark ages.” While most other startups rush in with obvious and perfectly reasonable solutions to impact quality of care, almost all of them overlook the most important barriers to entry, and thus fail on their choices in go-to-market.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Mark Morissette is CEO and Founder of Foxquilt, an Insurance Technology Company for B2B

Mark Morissette created Foxquilt to empower consumers with greater purchasing power when acquiring and managing their insurance. Foxquilt is a Canadian financial technology company focused on using big data and machine learning to empower social groups to save on Small Business and Home insurance. Foxquilt creates new value opportunities for customers by bringing people and communities together online with a smart and modern approach to insurance. Leveraging innovative technology and creating unique products, they make it easy for customers to buy insurance online from leading carriers and access group purchasing power.

Mark’s career includes more than 15 years in various leadership roles spanning Underwriting, Operations and Sales & Distribution for some Canada’s premier Carriers and fintech organizations including, Aviva and Real Matters.

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Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Depuis le début de la pandémie, Sean Tassé s’est lancé dans le monde de l’entrepreneuriat en créant deux entreprises : Bien Aller et

Diplômé d’un baccalauréat en ingénierie de l’École de technologie supérieure et diplômé d’un baccalauréat en droit de l’Université du Québec à Montréal, Sean Tassé est aussi membre de l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ). Grâce à sa formation en génie de la construction, il a eu l’opportunité d’acquérir une solide expérience en gestion de projets en réalisant des projets d’envergure pour de grands développeurs immobiliers de Montréal. Il a aussi travaillé comme conseiller en réclamation pour l’un des cabinets d’experts les plus renommés au Canada. Depuis le début de la pandémie, Sean s’est lancé dans le monde de l’entrepreneuriat en créant une première entreprise nommée Bien Aller spécialisée dans la confection de masques réutilisables. Suite au succès de cette première entreprise, Sean et ses partenaires ont décidé de continuer à travailler ensemble pour créer, un logiciel dédié à définir et à optimiser les prix de vente des nouveaux projets de développements résidentiels. Sean a utilisé ses expériences professionnelles et son expertise académique pour l’aider à créer ces entreprises et le guider dans le monde de l’entrepreneuriat.

Merci à Ebay, notre partenaire financier Allez au Les entrepreneurs sont la colonne vertébrale de l’économie canadienne.

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Jonathan Léveillé, Chef d’Openmind Technologies, qui est actuellement la 13e entreprise technologique à la croissance la plus rapide au Canada

Jeune passionné des technologies et des Affaires depuis son très jeune âge, Jonathan Léveillé, 34 ans, est à la tête de Openmind Technologies depuis maintenant plus de 15 ans, entreprise s’étant classée pour une troisième année d’affilée dans le prestigieux classement du CROISSANCE500, soit parmi les 500 entreprises ayant la plus forte croissance au Canada.

Openmind est actuellement la 13e entreprise technologique ayant la plus forte croissance au Canada et s’est classé la dernière année 28e entreprise étant le meilleur endroit au Canada où travailler selon Great Place to Work (#1 au Québec). Openmind compte maintenant dans ses rangs plus de 60 joueurs passionnés de technologies.

Jonathan a programmé ses premières plates-formes Web dès l’âge de 9 ans, a obtenu ses premiers contrats commerciaux à 13 ans seulement et a fondé officiellement Openmind Technologies à peine un an après sa majorité, soit à l’âge de 19 ans.

Jonathan et son équipe ont eu l’opportunité de recevoir plusieurs reconnaissances de l’industrie dans les dernières années, dont Jeune Entrepreneur de l’année en 2014, Entreprise de l’année en 2015, Investissement de l’année en 2017, le prix « Créateur d’Emploi du Québec 2017 », et a également été certifié ainsi que Great Place to Work pour l’année 2018, 2019, et 2020.

Il s’implique également, avec l’aide de son équipe, auprès de la communauté, ramassant plusieurs milliers de dollars annuellement pour Centraide, le défi Pierre Lavoie, la fondation du Centre Jeunesse des Laurentides, la fondation de l’Hôpital de Saint-Jérôme ainsi que pour l’organisme Pallia-vie.

Merci à Ebay, notre partenaire financier Allez au Les entrepreneurs sont la colonne vertébrale de l’économie canadienne.

Pour supporter les entreprises canadiennes, souscrivez à notre chaine Youtube et suivez nous sur Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn et Twitter.

Sylvie Bougie discute avec François Gilbert, président-directeur général d’Anges Québec, du financement des entreprises !

Cette entrevue a été réalisé avant le départ de François Gilbert à titre de président-directeur général d’Anges Québec.

C’est avec passion et conviction que monsieur François Gilbert assure depuis 2008, le rôle de président-directeur général d’Anges Québec ainsi que d’Anges Québec Capital depuis 2012. Il est également depuis 2005, président-directeur général chez FIER Succès, un fonds de capital de risque basé à Québec.

Ayant personnellement ou de concert avec ses associés participé à réaliser plus d’une centaine de placements privés au cours des dernières années, son engagement envers les entreprises en démarrage est reconnu au sein du milieu.

Merci à Ebay, notre partenaire financier Allez au Les entrepreneurs sont la colonne vertébrale de l’économie canadienne.

Pour supporter les entreprises canadiennes, souscrivez à notre chaine Youtube et suivez nous sur Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn et Twitter.