Health and Wellness

Become an entrepreneur for the right reasons because it’s not an easy ride

Two Canadian entrepreneurs, Tyler Dyck, Co-Founder & COO, and Brandon Goode Co-Founder & CEO, have partnered with global leaders in the mental health space to solve a growing issue in Canada. Despite the increasing ubiquity of antidepressants, their use cases, treatment durations, and side effects are widely misunderstood. The drugs have undoubtedly helped many Canadians facing anxiety and depression (candidly, including myself), but a sharp rise in long-term use (treatment guidelines say they are only supposed to be used for six-to-nine months!) has led to a growing problem: people don’t know how to get off of them safely—and no one is talking about it.

When Tyler Dyck decided he wanted to discontinue his antidepressants after years of treatment, he was met with a lack of information and resources surrounding withdrawal and ended up yo-yo-ing, much to the detriment of his mental and physical health. He found a major gap in recommendations he was receiving from doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists, and chatted about this with his former colleague Brandon Goode, whose background in the healthcare space had him investigating similar issues. They quickly realized that there was no existing solution to a major issue more and more of their loved ones were facing.

Together with world-leading scientists and healthcare professionals, they created Outro Health, the first patient-focused, science-based off-ramp for antidepressants, which just launched in Canada. Outro’s user-friendly platform provides science-based, personalized tapering plans to slowly reduce medication dosage. It also provides proactive symptom monitoring, one-on-one chats and video appointments with practitioners trained specifically in safely stopping antidepressants, and a patient-first approach that minimizes the risk of relapse and maximizes the chance of successful tapering.

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The key to a long career in pharmaceutical R&D

Dr. Allen Davidoff is the founder and CEO of XORTX. Allen has 15 years of drug development experience across a broad range of clinical, regulatory and senior management roles in pharmaceutical R&D. He has led two investigational new drug (“IND”) applications or supplemental IND’s, two phase I studies (four of which were multi-country), seven phase II studies, and one new drug application (NDA). Prior to forming XORTX, Allen was the Chief Scientific Officer, VP Product Development and co-founder of Stem Cell Therapeutics Corp. (seven years) ( Trillium TRIL:NASDAQ) and Senior Scientist and Head of Pharmacology at Cardiome Pharma Corp.

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Running a public company is a whole business in itself

Payton Nyquvest is CEO of Numinus Wellness Inc., a leading, integrated mental health care company providing psychedelic-assisted therapies. Payton has an incredible personal healing story to share about his journey with psychedelics and what led him on this new path of conscious leadership and making psychedelic therapy available and accessible for everyone. Numinus Wellness Inc. is a leading, integrated mental health care company providing psychedelic-assisted therapies, with 13 wellness clinics across North America, four clinical research sites and a bio-analytical research lab. Numinus is one of the top revenue-generating companies in the psychedelics sector, working to address a growing societal need by providing a wide range of proven and innovative therapies to treat and potentially cure mental health conditions. Numinus is the only company in Canada with permission from Health Canada to grow and extract psilocybin for research for anxiety, depression and PTSD.

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Elevating mental health through the science of float therapy

Bryce Weeks is the Founder of clear float spa that began in 2016 with a vision of removing pain, anxiety and stress from people’s lives through the science of float therapy. Since that time, clear float spa has facilitated more than 30,000 float sessions for Calgarians. With a heart for the community, the business also donates thousands of floats to dozens of charities and a variety of essential service providers like healthcare workers, veterans and teachers each year, as well as those impacted by stress-inducing crises or states of emergency such as the pandemic, Fort McMurray wildfires, and the Humboldt Broncos hockey tragedy.

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Réussir dans la réadaptation intelligente en moins de 3 ans, un des succès de Sarah Lambert et Ora Médical

Révolutionner la réadaptation physique à domicile, voici la mission de Sarah Lambert, Présidente et Cofondatrice d’Ora Médical. Durant ses études en physiothérapie, Sarah a observé le manque dans l’accessibilité des soins pour ces patients avec des difficultés à la marche. Elle a ensuite poursuivi ses études en génie mécanique afin de développer des outils connectés de nouveau genre qui permettent aux patients de s’exercer à la maison, tout en restant en communication avec leur personnel de soins. Aujourd’hui, l’équipe d’Ora Médical est composée de 8 professionnels déterminés à avoir un impact positif dans la société.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne.

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How entrepreneurs can stay healthy

Nicolette Richer is a Regenerative Medicine Educator, entrepreneur, author, doctoral student and speaker living in Pemberton, British Columbia, Canada. She is a savvy wellness facilitator and a renowned environmental and sustainability expert, with an insatiable desire to learn and educate. Nicolette transforms people with chronic disease or cancer into conquerors of their condition through plant-based, whole foods nutrition. Nicolette regularly speaks to captivated audiences about healing cancer and chronic disease through nutrition and detoxification.

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Starting up… get some great insights from a start-up master

Matthew von Teichman is a serial entrepreneur and one of the country’s biggest leaders in the Natural Products category (founder of Spore Wellness, GreenSpace brands, Life Choices, among just a few). He’s started 9 companies and it’s obvious he loves the energy and innovation of a startup! and he’s made his entrepreneurial drive pay off. He’s now going back to his roots and doing startups in the e-commerce and food space, as well as helping entrepreneurs with their businesses as an investor, mentor, and advocate to help them avoid some of the many mistakes I’ve made. Check out his latest venture at Purplesful.

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Pour l’amour des sols et la culture régénératrice, découvrez cet artiste désigner de la biodiversité

Depuis 2007, Sébastien Angers pratique l’agriculture de conservation biologique sur sa ferme à Ste-Monique de Nicolet . Il est propriétaire de la Ferme de l’Odyssée.

Agronome de formation, sa passion profonde a toujours été d’optimiser le potentiel de la santé des sols. Il cherche à minimiser ses interventions et ainsi aider la terre à retrouver sa biodiversité naturelle. Pour se faire, il a su miser sur des designs culturaux novateurs, redéfinissant ainsi le visage de l’agriculture au Québec. C’est un peu comme si on faisait de la permaculture à grande échelle.

En usant d’ingéniosité, il a su trouver et adapter des équipements spécialisés lui permettant de tester un maximum de cultures de couverture différentes, et ainsi, maximiser le potentiel de synergies des plantes.

Curieux et créatif, son laboratoire à ciel ouvert lui permet d’être l’artiste accomplie qu’il est aujourd’hui.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne.

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Using technology to improve the quality of life for pets, pet parents, and veterinary professionals globally

Mark Bordo is the co-founder and CEO of Toronto-based Vetster, a telemedicine service for pets. Taking his 20-plus years of experience as a tech entrepreneur and his own personal experience as a dog owner, Mark has developed a unique platform that is improving the quality of life for pets, pet parents, and veterinary professionals globally.

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1st Step in Your Business Acceleration Journey: Uncover & Define Your Purpose

Karin Forrest gets vulnerable on this podcast working ‘live’ with Host Angela Faye on the first steps to Uncover and Define her Massively Transformative Purpose and Market Dominating Position.

Karin is venturing from traditional construction/landscaping business ownership to start a new purpose-driven venture.

Through The Kayaking Connection, Karin is helping women business owners tap their inner wisdom through connections in nature. Karin’s mission is to ‘Empower Connections for Transformational Change’, bringing healing, health, and vitality to the community through connection to nature, self, and others.

Karin knows we all have access to the transformative power that lies within our connection with ourselves and others. She is uniquely positioned to empower emotional healing and transformational with her skills as an outdoor adventurer, kayak enthusiast, and previous business owner; plus first-hand experience integrating past experiences of abuse, drug use, and abandonment. Karin accepts her past experiences, has integrated them as part of who she is today, and NOW leverages them to provide help others function with greater mental clarity within their roles in their homes, places of business, and the greater community.

“Through this experience I hope to provide people with a true mindset shift that will allow them freedom from repetitive mental storylines and allow greater ease for flexible, inspired solutions to be brought forward into life’s daily challenges.”

Connect with Karin on Canada’s Podcast to hear part of her journey. To experience ‘The Kayak Connection’ for full or half-day kayaking excursions or custom trips, on Vancouver Island, connect with Karin post podcast at

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