Health and Wellness

How entrepreneurs can stay healthy

Nicolette Richer is a Regenerative Medicine Educator, entrepreneur, author, doctoral student and speaker living in Pemberton, British Columbia, Canada. She is a savvy wellness facilitator and a renowned environmental and sustainability expert, with an insatiable desire to learn and educate. Nicolette transforms people with chronic disease or cancer into conquerors of their condition through plant-based, whole foods nutrition. Nicolette regularly speaks to captivated audiences about healing cancer and chronic disease through nutrition and detoxification.

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Starting up… get some great insights from a start-up master

Matthew von Teichman is a serial entrepreneur and one of the country’s biggest leaders in the Natural Products category (founder of Spore Wellness, GreenSpace brands, Life Choices, among just a few). He’s started 9 companies and it’s obvious he loves the energy and innovation of a startup! and he’s made his entrepreneurial drive pay off. He’s now going back to his roots and doing startups in the e-commerce and food space, as well as helping entrepreneurs with their businesses as an investor, mentor, and advocate to help them avoid some of the many mistakes I’ve made. Check out his latest venture at Purplesful.

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Pour l’amour des sols et la culture régénératrice, découvrez cet artiste désigner de la biodiversité

Depuis 2007, Sébastien Angers pratique l’agriculture de conservation biologique sur sa ferme à Ste-Monique de Nicolet . Il est propriétaire de la Ferme de l’Odyssée.

Agronome de formation, sa passion profonde a toujours été d’optimiser le potentiel de la santé des sols. Il cherche à minimiser ses interventions et ainsi aider la terre à retrouver sa biodiversité naturelle. Pour se faire, il a su miser sur des designs culturaux novateurs, redéfinissant ainsi le visage de l’agriculture au Québec. C’est un peu comme si on faisait de la permaculture à grande échelle.

En usant d’ingéniosité, il a su trouver et adapter des équipements spécialisés lui permettant de tester un maximum de cultures de couverture différentes, et ainsi, maximiser le potentiel de synergies des plantes.

Curieux et créatif, son laboratoire à ciel ouvert lui permet d’être l’artiste accomplie qu’il est aujourd’hui.

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Using technology to improve the quality of life for pets, pet parents, and veterinary professionals globally

Mark Bordo is the co-founder and CEO of Toronto-based Vetster, a telemedicine service for pets. Taking his 20-plus years of experience as a tech entrepreneur and his own personal experience as a dog owner, Mark has developed a unique platform that is improving the quality of life for pets, pet parents, and veterinary professionals globally.

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1st Step in Your Business Acceleration Journey: Uncover & Define Your Purpose

Karin Forrest gets vulnerable on this podcast working ‘live’ with Host Angela Faye on the first steps to Uncover and Define her Massively Transformative Purpose and Market Dominating Position.

Karin is venturing from traditional construction/landscaping business ownership to start a new purpose-driven venture.

Through The Kayaking Connection, Karin is helping women business owners tap their inner wisdom through connections in nature. Karin’s mission is to ‘Empower Connections for Transformational Change’, bringing healing, health, and vitality to the community through connection to nature, self, and others.

Karin knows we all have access to the transformative power that lies within our connection with ourselves and others. She is uniquely positioned to empower emotional healing and transformational with her skills as an outdoor adventurer, kayak enthusiast, and previous business owner; plus first-hand experience integrating past experiences of abuse, drug use, and abandonment. Karin accepts her past experiences, has integrated them as part of who she is today, and NOW leverages them to provide help others function with greater mental clarity within their roles in their homes, places of business, and the greater community.

“Through this experience I hope to provide people with a true mindset shift that will allow them freedom from repetitive mental storylines and allow greater ease for flexible, inspired solutions to be brought forward into life’s daily challenges.”

Connect with Karin on Canada’s Podcast to hear part of her journey. To experience ‘The Kayak Connection’ for full or half-day kayaking excursions or custom trips, on Vancouver Island, connect with Karin post podcast at

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Changing the planet, one grass-roots movement at a time

Teresa de Grosbois (say “de-Grow-bwah”) based in Costa Rica. Teresa is on a mission to change the planet, one grass-roots movement at a time. She is the #1 international bestselling author of ‘Mass Influence – The Habits of the Highly Influential’, which has been on the bestseller lists in 7 countries since 2015.

A 4x international bestselling author, Teresa teaches marketing courses around the globe to business leaders and entrepreneurs on how to create massively successful word of mouth campaigns. Teresa heads the international Evolutionary Business Council, a membership-based organization which empowers change-makers to create profitable, impactful businesses that have a lasting and transformational impact on the individuals that they serve.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Bouger parce qu’on s’aime! La philosophie de Cathy Lam

Même si Cathy Lam a démarré MonGymEnLigne en 3 mois, c’est l’histoire d’une vie qui se cache derrière sa persévérance.

Cette salle de sport virtuelle francophone est passée de 20 vidéos à son lancement en 2016 à plus de 800 vidéos d’entrainement en ligne en moins de 6 ans. Avec plus de 15 entraineurs qualifiés qui partagent ses valeurs, elle rejoint maintenant près de 20 000 personnes inscrites à leurs différents défis #Fitness. Elle rayonne de Québec à “WorldWide” puisque plusieurs membres européens l’ont adoptée.

Entraineur privé depuis 2011, c’est un évènement incomparable qui l’a complètement transformée: la naissance de Fiston. En effet, c’est à ce moment qu’elle a réalisé qu’elle a passé plus de 20 ans de sa vie à contrôler son poids, avec un manque envahissant d’estime de soi. Elle découvre alors que la pression sociale, l’idéal minceur et les standards de beauté ont ont eu un impact nocif sur sa propre vie, mais aussi, sur la vie de plusieurs.

Son histoire est unique – comme tout le monde! Sauf que c’est exactement à ce moment-là qu’elle de “changer le monde”. Pour léguer un meilleur monde à son fils.

Elle découvre alors une force, une confiance en elle, en ses capacités et en son corps qu’elle souhaite te transmettre. Elle a donc effectué un changement de carrière, en quittant son poste de directrice de restaurant pour se lancer en affaires afin de te transmettre ce bien-être intérieur.

“Quand ta motivation est plus grande que tes craintes, c’est là que tu peux réellement faire une différence, peu importe ton objectif” croit-elle fermement.

Depuis, elle aide les gens à reprendre leur pouvoir sur leur santé et leur estime de soi. Elle change peu à peu l’industrie du fitness en proposant des modèles sains et en dénonçant la pression sociale ainsi que les modèles irréalistes. Son objectif est d’améliorer non seulement ta condition physique, mais aussi de t’aider à découvrir ta force mentale et physique. Sa mission, c’est de t’aider à éliminer tes pensées limitantes et les métamorphoser en actions concrètes et motivantes.

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Un micro changement à la fois pour des changements durables!

ANiK Lalancette, co-fondatrice de micrΩmega, est infopreneure et master coach certifiée de l’Institut des Neurosciences Appliquées du Québec (INAQ). Elle accompagne les individus à retrouver leur vitalité et à générer une énergie plus productive. Experte de l’état d’esprit du changement, elle s’est spécialisée dans l’harmonisation du narratif intérieur pour qu’il s’aligne avec la transformation identitaire.

micrΩmega est un mouvement de transformation humaine qui repose sur un environnement social sécuritaire, éducatif et motivant, à l’intérieur duquel les individus sont encouragés à accumuler des micro-actions pour arriver à transformer leur vie positivement et de façon durable.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne.

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To build a business successfully surround yourself with people who are smarter than you and let your ego go by the wayside

A fourth-generation entrepreneur and an iconic Canadian brand, Gillian Stein tells us what it takes to be the fourth generation to continue Henry’s success and speaks out about mental illness.

It’s clear that people truly do like a physical shopping experience. The important part is embracing both. The digital experience is a really important part of the customer shopping journey. So you need to make sure that you’re digital. But you also have to be physical, and for Henry’s the key is: what’s the value proposition?

We have setup the Henry’s Foundation in support of mental health. Our healthcare system is really not set up for mental health care. It’s a real challenge right now. When it comes to mental health, talk to somebody. The most important thing is to start talking.

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Calgary-Based Entrepreneur is Changing the Way We Sleep

If you ask Lara Smith what led her to create Lusomé, she would tell you it was partly circumstantial, partly destiny.

She kicked off her 20-year career at two of the biggest fashion houses in the world – Ralph Lauren and Gucci – and quickly worked her way up as a senior executive at some of Canada’s largest retailers. There, she traveled the globe to discover and create innovative apparel solutions that would make a difference in the lives of consumers.

But it wasn’t until Lara watched her sister battle with breast cancer and the uncomfortable, long-term side effects that resulted from her treatments that she set out to find the most important solution of all – a solution to preventing overheating and night sweats in the clothing that is meant to make us feel beautiful. Lara looked throughout North America and Europe for a sleep brand with beautiful style and fabrics, but they were using 100% polyester and chemicals in the finishing process. Not to mention, their cooling technology never truly worked.

That’s when Lara decided to create her own solution, one that fuses beauty, comfort and science. Her vision came to life through Lusomé, a new pajama brand that promotes the health and sleep of its wearers through first-of-its-kind technology that stops night sweats before it starts.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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