
The road from incarceration to entrepreneurship is lined with popcorn

Emily O’Brien is the founder of Comeback Snacks popcorn company. It all started when she went to prison. Before, Emily was an entrepreneur and social media professional, having created her own firm at a young age and enjoyed great success. Regrettably, addiction caused her to make some poor choices that culminated in a four-year jail term.

As her sentence began, Emily made it her mission to transform herself, get clean, and make a positive difference during her term. “I didn’t know how I’d make a difference at the time,” says Emily, “but I knew I would find something I cared about that would benefit from a purpose-driven facelift.”

Thus, Comeback Snacks (formerly known as Cons and Kernels) was born.

Upon her release, Emily made a decision to start a popcorn company that used high quality, health-conscious ingredients to create unique flavours inspired by the ones she found in prison. A fun, self-deprecating brand that would also help remove the stigma around people who had prior convictions and provide newly-released offenders with the chance at a fresh start through training, empowerment, and education.

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Revolutionizing the way you sell homes

Jason Hardy is the Co-Founder & CEO of the leading real estate e-commerce software, Ownly. Jason has spent the previous 17 years serving the real estate development sector in both Canada and the United States. An industry thought leader and speaker, Jason previously held the position of President / Managing Partner at Chatterson, a boutique real estate marketing firm headquartered in Calgary, Canada. Jason is an instructor of Real Estate Marketing at the Haskayne School of Business’ Real Estate MBA program at the University of Calgary and holds the role of Executive Director of the Real Estate Development Institute of Canada. Jason also sits on the Management Advisory Committee (MAC) and Proptech Advisory Committee at the Haskayne School of Business and serves as Committee Chair at the Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies.

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Driving small business productivity through data and technology: In conversation with Mark Hickman

As country leader for Sage in Canada, Mark helps to empower Canadian businesses by simplifying workflows to break down barriers and achieve growth. With more than 20 years of experience at the executive management and leadership-levels, where he consistently grew revenues at leading organizations, Mark brings a wealth of knowledge essential to successfully navigate the channel, partner, and SMB landscapes in Canada. As a leader, Mark looks to empower colleagues, partners, and customers to seek out solutions through creativity and innovation. To learn more about the technology delivering insights to Canadian business owners to make work and money flow, visit







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Creating transformative change in 66 days

Olia Stasiuk is a book author who is a certified Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR®️), and the Founder of four different businesses including 360 Transformers & Transformers Academy.

Olia found her passion in education and development and her mission in making people happier by elevating their lives and careers. She has dedicated many years of her professional career to exploring the inevitable impact of learning and development within personal and professional life, helping reputable global companies boost their operational efficiency by establishing forward-thinking employee experience and development strategies learned around the globe.

Olia is always exploring possibilities with technologies and innovation and is currently conducting research with her team on the impact of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence practices on the soft skills of adults in the workplace to accelerate their careers.

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How entrepreneurs can stay healthy

Nicolette Richer is a Regenerative Medicine Educator, entrepreneur, author, doctoral student and speaker living in Pemberton, British Columbia, Canada. She is a savvy wellness facilitator and a renowned environmental and sustainability expert, with an insatiable desire to learn and educate. Nicolette transforms people with chronic disease or cancer into conquerors of their condition through plant-based, whole foods nutrition. Nicolette regularly speaks to captivated audiences about healing cancer and chronic disease through nutrition and detoxification.

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Inspiring Future Leaders

Colby Delorme is one of the founding creators of Influence Mentoring Society, and was appointed Chairperson of the IMS’ Board of Directors in December 2020. With over 26 years of experience in business and as an entrepreneur, Mr. Delorme has built multiple businesses and is currently the President of the Imagination Group of Companies. Mr. Delorme’s experience has spanned the construction industry, brand development and marketing, a certification practice, franchise development, tobacco manufacturing, and business consulting. Mr. Delorme is also a celebrated industry leader; in 2010, he was inducted into the Calgary Top 40 Under 40 and won the Big Idea 2. In 2014, Mr. Delorme was the recipient of the Dr. Douglas Cardinal Award from the University of Calgary. Colby Delorme has a long and varied career in Not-For-Profit and Corporate governance, sitting on many boards over the past 15 years. Mr. Delorme holds an Institute of Corporate Directors Designation from the Rotman School of Management and was recently awarded the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee award in Alberta. Colby is passionate about creating new and sustainable opportunities in business and for Indigenous peoples.

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Pour l’amour des sols et la culture régénératrice, découvrez cet artiste désigner de la biodiversité

Depuis 2007, Sébastien Angers pratique l’agriculture de conservation biologique sur sa ferme à Ste-Monique de Nicolet . Il est propriétaire de la Ferme de l’Odyssée.

Agronome de formation, sa passion profonde a toujours été d’optimiser le potentiel de la santé des sols. Il cherche à minimiser ses interventions et ainsi aider la terre à retrouver sa biodiversité naturelle. Pour se faire, il a su miser sur des designs culturaux novateurs, redéfinissant ainsi le visage de l’agriculture au Québec. C’est un peu comme si on faisait de la permaculture à grande échelle.

En usant d’ingéniosité, il a su trouver et adapter des équipements spécialisés lui permettant de tester un maximum de cultures de couverture différentes, et ainsi, maximiser le potentiel de synergies des plantes.

Curieux et créatif, son laboratoire à ciel ouvert lui permet d’être l’artiste accomplie qu’il est aujourd’hui.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne.

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Changing the planet, one grass-roots movement at a time

Teresa de Grosbois (say “de-Grow-bwah”) based in Costa Rica. Teresa is on a mission to change the planet, one grass-roots movement at a time. She is the #1 international bestselling author of ‘Mass Influence – The Habits of the Highly Influential’, which has been on the bestseller lists in 7 countries since 2015.

A 4x international bestselling author, Teresa teaches marketing courses around the globe to business leaders and entrepreneurs on how to create massively successful word of mouth campaigns. Teresa heads the international Evolutionary Business Council, a membership-based organization which empowers change-makers to create profitable, impactful businesses that have a lasting and transformational impact on the individuals that they serve.

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Invest in yourself to become an entrepreneur

Vanessa Iarocci CPA, CA, is an authentic and energetic leader known for her passion for education and innovation, which she brings to her role as CEO and co-owner at Brain Power! Vanessa earned her Bachelor of Commerce, CPA designation and was selected to complete a post-graduate certificate in innovation at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Following this, Vanessa spent over two decades in increasingly senior positions at PwC and TD Bank Financial Group. She then honed her entrepreneurial skills as the CEO of a national school apparel company, where she led an innovative turnaround and growth strategy. Drawing on her 20 years of experience at some of the world’s leading firms and as a CEO, Vanessa has already lead instruction in exciting new courses at Brain Power that expose students to cutting edge business and investing concepts, including preparing them for the prestigious Wharton Investment Competition.

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Un micro changement à la fois pour des changements durables!

ANiK Lalancette, co-fondatrice de micrΩmega, est infopreneure et master coach certifiée de l’Institut des Neurosciences Appliquées du Québec (INAQ). Elle accompagne les individus à retrouver leur vitalité et à générer une énergie plus productive. Experte de l’état d’esprit du changement, elle s’est spécialisée dans l’harmonisation du narratif intérieur pour qu’il s’aligne avec la transformation identitaire.

micrΩmega est un mouvement de transformation humaine qui repose sur un environnement social sécuritaire, éducatif et motivant, à l’intérieur duquel les individus sont encouragés à accumuler des micro-actions pour arriver à transformer leur vie positivement et de façon durable.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne.

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