Karen Barry, Founder/CEO of the Beltline Cannabis Retail Store and Owner of Barry Commercial Real Estate
Karen Barry is Founder/CEO of the Beltline Cannabis retail store as well as owner of Barry Commercial Real Estate in Calgary.
Karen Barry is Founder/CEO of the Beltline Cannabis retail store as well as owner of Barry Commercial Real Estate in Calgary.
Mike Gettis is Co-Founder & CEO of Endy, a Canadian-based, e-commerce company that sells sleep products online.
Entrepreneur à succès, François Lambert a cofondé le plus important centre d’appels au Canada, Atelka, ainsi qu’une entreprise technologique présente dans 75 pays, Aheeva. Il a investi dans plus d’une dizaine d’entreprises en carrière, dont Boostmi, une application d’assistance routière, nGUVU, une plateforme de mobilisation pour employés, les sous-vêtements UNDZ, Acier Saint-Jérôme et divers projets immobiliers. Il a lancé en décembre 2018 sa propre boutique en ligne, www.francoislambert.one, afin d’y vendre les produits provenant de son érablière et quelques-uns issus de ses autres entreprises. Fort du succès rencontré, il offre depuis une plateforme de visibilité à des entrepreneurs Québécois en vendant leurs produits sur son site.
Connu du grand public lors de sa participation remarquée à l’émission Dans l’œil du dragon à Radio-Canada, François Lambert est l’auteur de deux livres sur l’entrepreneuriat, À prendre ou à laisser (réédité en 2019) et L’entrepreneuriat, c’est difficile. Point. (traduit en anglais en 2019), dans lesquels il transmet sa passion pour les affaires et déconstruit des mythes persistants sur l’entrepreneuriat. Il a aussi écrit Qu’est-ce que j’en pense ? (2018), un livre d’opinion où il offre son avis sans détour sur 30 enjeux québécois d’actualité.
En conférence, il dévoile sans réserve et avec humour ses bons comme ses mauvais coups, révélant du même souffle les hauts et les bas de la vie en affaires. Avec le franc-parler qui a fait sa renommée, il partage son histoire inspirante et transmet aux participants le goût de prendre action aujourd’hui afin de poursuivre leurs rêves, que ce soit dans leur vie professionnelle ou personnelle.
Grand sportif, il a réalisé quatre marathons, fait cinq années d’entraînement en triathlon et participé au CEO Endurance World Championship en 2012. Encore aujourd’hui, il maintient un rythme d’activité physique d’au minimum une à trois heures par jour.
François partage son temps entre Montréal et sa terre de 600 acres en Outaouais où il cultive du maïs, du soja et de l’avoine, en plus de produire du sirop d’érable et du miel. Il y élève également quelques poules, lapins et moutons, notamment.
François Lambert détient un baccalauréat en sciences comptables de l’Université du Québec en Outaouais.
Sébastien Fiset, Président, Co-fondateur de Cookie Bluff à démarrer son aventure entrepreneuriale en 2017 avec la création de l’entreprise Cookie Bluff. Diplômé de l’Université Laval en 2014, et ce, en relations industrielles celui-ci à débuter sa jeune carrière en tant que Directeur des ressources humaines. Sans s’y attendre, ayant toujours eu la fibre entrepreneuriale, celui-ci saisie une opportunité d’affaire à la suite de la visualisation d’une vidéo d’un commerce de pâte à biscuits populaire de New-York. Étant déterminé et ayant la capacité de s’allier des meilleurs, celui-ci développa son plein potentiel et amena sa compagnie parmi les plus grands succès du domaine alimentaire en moins d’un an de vente avec plus de 2000 points de vente au Canada. Déjà près de deux ans après la création de l’entreprise, celui-ci s’apprête à percer le marché américain tout en aidant la relève entrepreneuriale par de judicieux conseils ainsi que par diverses conférences.
Devon Dooling lives and works in Vancouver, BC. She is the owner of: On The Rocks Ice Distribution and co-owner of Simply Pure Water in Victoria, BC. On The Rocks Ice makes the coolest and cleanest ice this side of the ice age and specializes in chilling events, hospitality and retail, throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. When Devon is not talking all things ice and water-related, you can likely find her and her puppy Molly sipping on tea at a local coffee shop or on the soccer pitch with her step-kids and husband.
Jim Estill is currently CEO of both Danby Appliances and ShipperBee.
Danby Appliances manufactures and distributes over 2,000,000 appliances per year, such as bar fridges, freezers and microwaves. Danby is being transformed by their newest product Parcel Guard– a smart mailbox for consumers that stops parcel theft.
ShipperBee is a new venture that is ready to revamp outdated shipping channels into a system that is better for consumers, retailers and the environment.
Jim started a computer distribution business from the trunk of his car while in university. He grew that business to $2 Billion in sales.
Jim has invested in, mentored and advised many technology companies including Blackberry. He joined their board before they went public and served for 13 years.
Over the past few years, Jim Estill has been involved in sponsorship efforts to settle refugee families in Guelph. The Financial Times, BBC News, The Guardian, and Toronto Life have all covered his story.
Jim’s most recent endeavour is as Co-founder of Ventilators for Canadians, (V4C) a growing team of philanthropists and entrepreneurs who have come together to find solutions to help Canadians through the COVID-19 health emergency.
Jim was awarded the Order of Ontario, the provinces highest honour, in 2017. He was Entrepreneur of the Year 2019 Ontario and has been awarded an Everyday Heroes Award by the Global Hope Coalition. In 2018 Jim Estill was awarded the Order of Canada. Jim lives in Guelph Ontario.
Food, wellness & personal beauty care is essential Five years ago, Rebecca Rochon founded Pivot & Pilot Creative, a boutique design agency in Vancouver that specializes in branding, packaging design, advertising, and website creation. Pivot & Pilot helps clients in the food, beauty and wellness space capitalize on their first impression. Aside from running her agency, Rebecca is actively involved in the business community in Canada and leads talks and workshops frequently. Pivot & Pilot runs a quarterly “Conversations” panel where Rebecca hosts a conversational interview with business leaders in Vancouver. Some past topics include “Launching Your Brand with Kickstarter”, “Working Creatives: Making Creative Your Full-Time” and “Ecommerce vs Brick and Mortar”. She also hosts Pivot & Pilot’s YouTube channel where she interviews experts and speaks about the way design influences consumer behaviour. In her spare time she’s on stage doing stand up comedy, at an art gallery or dancing with her dog, Bernie.
Jenn Harper, founder of Cheekbone Beauty, was born in Thunder Bay, Ontario and relocated to the Niagara Region where she was raised and developed a passion for cosmetics. Over the past ten years, Jenn has had successful career in sales and marketing with two large international corporations. During her first week of training session with one of these companies a questionnaire asked: “What is your dream job?” Jenn wrote “To be the CEO of a major cosmetic brand.” At the time, there was no indication that Jenn would eventually set out to build Cheekbone Beauty. During the development of Cheekbone Beauty, Jenn researched the industry as well as charities that are helping close the educational funding gap that exists between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. Jenn found the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society (FNCFCS) and Cheekbone Beauty continues to support the FNCFCS today. During Cheekbone’s infancy, Jenn also suffered a heavy personal loss with the suicide of her brother B.J. This loss, though difficult, has remained a driving force behind Jenn’s desire to see Cheekbone Beauty succeed with its mission. In addition to Cheekbone’s mission, Jenn strives to educate as many Canadians as possible about the Residential School System and the effects it has had on her family and friends through decades of generational trauma. Jenn speaks regularly to university, college and high school students about social entrepreneurship, empathy and the history of her First Nations family. Jenn has also been invited to speak to various entrepreneur groups, women in business associations, Apple Canada and First Nations organizations.
Jenn had been featured in media outlets such as Flare.com, APTN News, CBC Radio Unreserved, The Kit and Global’s News Radio. In 2017 Jenn Harper was awarded the “Social Enterprise Award” at the 17th Annual Women in Business Awards by the Women in Niagara (WIN) Council and the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce (GNCC) for her work on Cheekbone Beauty.
Ryan Petrimoulx is the founder & principal at Bang the Drum, a boutique retail agency focusing on Retail, e-commerce and Growth Marketing.
After having worked his way up from the front lines of the Retail sector since 2004, Ryan’s path has brought him through every aspect of the Retail industry, eventually leading him to begin working in Retail e-commerce in 2008.
Founding his agency in 2013, Ryan has focused on working with both SMEs and Enterprise retailers who are looking to grow customers, build relationships, increase revenues & profitability.
Andrew Gordon is a shareholder of Kiaro, which is a cannabis retail brand, and derives from the Italian “Chiaroscuro”, meaning to emerge from darkness into the light. He currently serves as Senior Vice President of Retail Operations and Community. He specializes in organizational development, public affairs, community partnerships and industry performance. Andrew has a degree in Political Science from UVIC, and is a graduate of BCIT’s Non-Profit Management Program. Andrew has successfully led the community integration efforts for a number of private retailers across Canada, and has worked with a diverse array of patients, consumers and regulators to build accountable, community-responsive and financially sustainable cannabis retail models. Galvanized by the prospects of cannabis legalization in Canada, Andrew is passionate about working with community stakeholders across the country to help reduce social stigma, and abate pharmaceutical drug dependence within communities.