Theo Theo headshot

Helping people stay charged across the GTA

Philip Bliss |

Theo Theo is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Alpha Batteries Inc®️️️ a consumer battery rental service. They provide customers with the comfort knowing their phone will always be fully charged wherever they may be. Their battery towers are in businesses across the GTA, so be on the lookout for one that could be nearby! Since it’s inception, Theo imagined this company as an entity people look for when they are in need of help.

“Whether it’s needing a top-up while you are with some friends at a café, or desperately needing your phone to stay on while waiting for an Uber®️️️ after a late-night concert, I want our company to be your oasis. I want our company to be what you look for when you need to stay connected. This is our focus.”

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