Mike Shoreman headshot

You’re stronger than you think! Why Mike Shoreman is committed to being the first person to Paddleboard across Lake Ontario

Céline Williams |

Have you ever held back because you felt the obstacles and challenges in front of you seemed insurmountable?

The Unbalanced Paddleboarder knows just what it means to CRASH & RISE.

Mike Shoreman is The Unbalanced Paddleboarder. An award winning speaker, author, athlete, mental health advocate and entrepreneur. After a sudden neurological condition changed his whole life, destroyed his paddle boarding career and left him immobile, unbalanced, incapacitated and told he would never paddleboard again by specialists.

He set out on a mission to prove everyone wrong.

Mike shares his story of overcoming adversity around the world inspiring and motivating people to overcome the greatest obstacles standing in their way. He encourages people to use their fears and struggles as their greatest weapons and drives audiences to become the STRONGEST versions of themselves.

Mike has been featured in over 50 media outlets including: Yahoo, MSN, CBS, NBC, CTV News, CTV Morning Live Calgary, Global News, Breakfast Television, CP 24, UNILAD, Narcity, Some Good News, Healthing.ca, Health Beat, National Post, Toronto SUN, Toronto Life, Vancouver SUN, The World News, Power of Positivity, Innerlight Media, Ashton Kutcher’s A Plus, Chicken Soup for the Soul and more.

Donate to Mike’s cause at http://www.jack.org/thecrossing

Check out his book Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE: From Victim to Thriving Survivor at https://amzn.to/3AXzFsZ

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