Coaching & Consulting

Helping people stay charged across the GTA

Theo Theo is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Alpha Batteries Inc®️️️ a consumer battery rental service. They provide customers with the comfort knowing their phone will always be fully charged wherever they may be. Their battery towers are in businesses across the GTA, so be on the lookout for one that could be nearby! Since it’s inception, Theo imagined this company as an entity people look for when they are in need of help.

“Whether it’s needing a top-up while you are with some friends at a café, or desperately needing your phone to stay on while waiting for an Uber®️️️ after a late-night concert, I want our company to be your oasis. I want our company to be what you look for when you need to stay connected. This is our focus.”

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Inspiring Future Leaders

Colby Delorme is one of the founding creators of Influence Mentoring Society, and was appointed Chairperson of the IMS’ Board of Directors in December 2020. With over 26 years of experience in business and as an entrepreneur, Mr. Delorme has built multiple businesses and is currently the President of the Imagination Group of Companies. Mr. Delorme’s experience has spanned the construction industry, brand development and marketing, a certification practice, franchise development, tobacco manufacturing, and business consulting. Mr. Delorme is also a celebrated industry leader; in 2010, he was inducted into the Calgary Top 40 Under 40 and won the Big Idea 2. In 2014, Mr. Delorme was the recipient of the Dr. Douglas Cardinal Award from the University of Calgary. Colby Delorme has a long and varied career in Not-For-Profit and Corporate governance, sitting on many boards over the past 15 years. Mr. Delorme holds an Institute of Corporate Directors Designation from the Rotman School of Management and was recently awarded the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee award in Alberta. Colby is passionate about creating new and sustainable opportunities in business and for Indigenous peoples.

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Set clear goals and create actions to support your goals

Ashlee Livingstone is the Chief Engagement Officer of Our Forte. She’s been working with leaders in the community for years to help them refocus on their mission, balance their priorities and learn the skills it takes to overcome the hurdles that are holding them back. She works off of the four pillars; engagement, development, gratitude and experience to build team connections and successful leaders.

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1st Step in Your Business Acceleration Journey: Uncover & Define Your Purpose

Karin Forrest gets vulnerable on this podcast working ‘live’ with Host Angela Faye on the first steps to Uncover and Define her Massively Transformative Purpose and Market Dominating Position.

Karin is venturing from traditional construction/landscaping business ownership to start a new purpose-driven venture.

Through The Kayaking Connection, Karin is helping women business owners tap their inner wisdom through connections in nature. Karin’s mission is to ‘Empower Connections for Transformational Change’, bringing healing, health, and vitality to the community through connection to nature, self, and others.

Karin knows we all have access to the transformative power that lies within our connection with ourselves and others. She is uniquely positioned to empower emotional healing and transformational with her skills as an outdoor adventurer, kayak enthusiast, and previous business owner; plus first-hand experience integrating past experiences of abuse, drug use, and abandonment. Karin accepts her past experiences, has integrated them as part of who she is today, and NOW leverages them to provide help others function with greater mental clarity within their roles in their homes, places of business, and the greater community.

“Through this experience I hope to provide people with a true mindset shift that will allow them freedom from repetitive mental storylines and allow greater ease for flexible, inspired solutions to be brought forward into life’s daily challenges.”

Connect with Karin on Canada’s Podcast to hear part of her journey. To experience ‘The Kayak Connection’ for full or half-day kayaking excursions or custom trips, on Vancouver Island, connect with Karin post podcast at

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Strong communication is the difference between success and failure

Robyn Braley is a Brand Specialist, Writer, and Speaker. He is also the President and CoFounder of UniMark Creative Inc., a Calgary-based agency. Robyn has been transitioning into the role of writer and speaker known for content that helps people be better communicators. He draws on experience as a brand specialist, broadcast professional, music producer, event planner, and community volunteer. He began his career as a High School Drama teacher. Robyn has published over 70 posts on his blog site, ‘Brandit with Robyn.’ He has written articles for newspapers, trade, and lifestyle magazines. He is about to publish his first book.

Robyn Braley is a sought-after media guest and has appeared on CKNW Vancouver, CHED, Edmonton, CHQR, Calgary, CBC Alberta, CBC Saskatchewan, CJOB, Winnipeg and stations Newstalk 1010 and 640 in Toronto. He has also been interviewed on CTV, Global TV, City TV and CBC TV in various markets. Unimark Creative was launched in 1994 and helped several companies grow into multi-million dollar operations. The company has worked with commercial construction, oil & gas (service), manufacturing, and some retail companies. Unimark has also served not-for-profit organizations. Unimark Creative’s work won building industry marketing awards. Robyn has been nominated for several national music awards and in 2007 led a local team that won the Rotary International (worldwide) Public Relations Award. Robyn lives in Calgary, Alberta, and is a proud husband and father. As a doting grandpa, he regularly spoils 2 grandsons. He is also a Rotarian committed to the ideal of community service.

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Changing the planet, one grass-roots movement at a time

Teresa de Grosbois (say “de-Grow-bwah”) based in Costa Rica. Teresa is on a mission to change the planet, one grass-roots movement at a time. She is the #1 international bestselling author of ‘Mass Influence – The Habits of the Highly Influential’, which has been on the bestseller lists in 7 countries since 2015.

A 4x international bestselling author, Teresa teaches marketing courses around the globe to business leaders and entrepreneurs on how to create massively successful word of mouth campaigns. Teresa heads the international Evolutionary Business Council, a membership-based organization which empowers change-makers to create profitable, impactful businesses that have a lasting and transformational impact on the individuals that they serve.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Canada’s economy. To support Canada’s businesses, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Bouger parce qu’on s’aime! La philosophie de Cathy Lam

Même si Cathy Lam a démarré MonGymEnLigne en 3 mois, c’est l’histoire d’une vie qui se cache derrière sa persévérance.

Cette salle de sport virtuelle francophone est passée de 20 vidéos à son lancement en 2016 à plus de 800 vidéos d’entrainement en ligne en moins de 6 ans. Avec plus de 15 entraineurs qualifiés qui partagent ses valeurs, elle rejoint maintenant près de 20 000 personnes inscrites à leurs différents défis #Fitness. Elle rayonne de Québec à “WorldWide” puisque plusieurs membres européens l’ont adoptée.

Entraineur privé depuis 2011, c’est un évènement incomparable qui l’a complètement transformée: la naissance de Fiston. En effet, c’est à ce moment qu’elle a réalisé qu’elle a passé plus de 20 ans de sa vie à contrôler son poids, avec un manque envahissant d’estime de soi. Elle découvre alors que la pression sociale, l’idéal minceur et les standards de beauté ont ont eu un impact nocif sur sa propre vie, mais aussi, sur la vie de plusieurs.

Son histoire est unique – comme tout le monde! Sauf que c’est exactement à ce moment-là qu’elle de “changer le monde”. Pour léguer un meilleur monde à son fils.

Elle découvre alors une force, une confiance en elle, en ses capacités et en son corps qu’elle souhaite te transmettre. Elle a donc effectué un changement de carrière, en quittant son poste de directrice de restaurant pour se lancer en affaires afin de te transmettre ce bien-être intérieur.

“Quand ta motivation est plus grande que tes craintes, c’est là que tu peux réellement faire une différence, peu importe ton objectif” croit-elle fermement.

Depuis, elle aide les gens à reprendre leur pouvoir sur leur santé et leur estime de soi. Elle change peu à peu l’industrie du fitness en proposant des modèles sains et en dénonçant la pression sociale ainsi que les modèles irréalistes. Son objectif est d’améliorer non seulement ta condition physique, mais aussi de t’aider à découvrir ta force mentale et physique. Sa mission, c’est de t’aider à éliminer tes pensées limitantes et les métamorphoser en actions concrètes et motivantes.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne.

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Invest in yourself to become an entrepreneur

Vanessa Iarocci CPA, CA, is an authentic and energetic leader known for her passion for education and innovation, which she brings to her role as CEO and co-owner at Brain Power! Vanessa earned her Bachelor of Commerce, CPA designation and was selected to complete a post-graduate certificate in innovation at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Following this, Vanessa spent over two decades in increasingly senior positions at PwC and TD Bank Financial Group. She then honed her entrepreneurial skills as the CEO of a national school apparel company, where she led an innovative turnaround and growth strategy. Drawing on her 20 years of experience at some of the world’s leading firms and as a CEO, Vanessa has already lead instruction in exciting new courses at Brain Power that expose students to cutting edge business and investing concepts, including preparing them for the prestigious Wharton Investment Competition.

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Un micro changement à la fois pour des changements durables!

ANiK Lalancette, co-fondatrice de micrΩmega, est infopreneure et master coach certifiée de l’Institut des Neurosciences Appliquées du Québec (INAQ). Elle accompagne les individus à retrouver leur vitalité et à générer une énergie plus productive. Experte de l’état d’esprit du changement, elle s’est spécialisée dans l’harmonisation du narratif intérieur pour qu’il s’aligne avec la transformation identitaire.

micrΩmega est un mouvement de transformation humaine qui repose sur un environnement social sécuritaire, éducatif et motivant, à l’intérieur duquel les individus sont encouragés à accumuler des micro-actions pour arriver à transformer leur vie positivement et de façon durable.

Les entrepreneurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie canadienne.

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Be the entrepreneur that you want to be

Nick Mombourquette is the founder and president of NewGround Financial Inc. NewGround specializes in employee benefits programs for SMB’s with 5-500 employees. NewGround also works with entrepreneurs to provide tax efficient wealth planning strategies. They pride themselves on providing national-level service and advice, with a local approach. Based in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, NewGround serves clients in NS, PEI, NB, ONT and AB.

Nick also founded and co-hosts The Interesting People You Meet Podcast, where he interviews people from all walks of life, with interesting stories and perspectives.

Nick has a BBA from Mount Saint Vincent University and holds a Certified Employees Benefits Specialist designation from Dalhousie University. He lives just outside of Halifax with his wife and three young children.

Nick is a fitness enthusiast who enjoys almost every genre of music. In his spare time, when he doesn’t have a book in his hands, he enjoys spending time with his family and playing golf in the summer and hockey in the winter.

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