All Atlantic Canada Podcasts
Simplifying accounting and bookkeeping for small businesses
Business, Finance, Human Resources, Investment 00:40:06
Rob Boynes is the co-founder of huumans, Canada’s first modern accounting and bookkeeping company aimed entirely at...
Be the entrepreneur that you want to be
Business, Coaching & Consulting, Finance 00:27:05
Nick Mombourquette is the founder and president of NewGround Financial Inc. NewGround specializes in employee benefits programs...
RBC: The micro-entrepreneur economy survey
Business, Coaching & Consulting, Economics, Finance 00:20:34
Don Ludlow, Vice-President of Small Business, Partnerships & Strategy, RBC, provides strategic oversight and leads a team...
Purush Cannane is the king of upcycle, the bigger sister to recycling
Purushothaman Cannane (Purush) creatively combined his engineering skill, passion for solving environmental problems, and his drive to...